For boating and recreation info, water quality data, and more, visit our Irondequoit Bay website below.
Irondequoit Bay Website
Irondequoit Bay is an area of historical, archeological, ecological, and geological significance. The Bay is classified by New York State as a "Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat."
Human use in the Irondequoit Bay area threatens the Bay’s beauty, ecosystems, and recreational opportunities. Balancing the protection of natural resources with recreation and development is necessary for continued use of the Bay area. To this end, an inter-municipal group - the Irondequoit Bay Coordinating Committee - was formed. Subcommittees of this group work together to review development plans on properties in the Bay area and to implement a Harbor Management Plan.
Irondequoit Bay Coordinating Committee (IBCC)
The Irondequoit Bay Coordinating Committee (IBCC) was established in 1985 as an advisory committee through an inter-municipal agreement between the towns of Irondequoit, Penfield and Webster and the County of Monroe to coordinate among various levels of government with an interest in the Irondequoit Bay, all levels of public and private use of the area, and to develop, recommend and monitor, related policies.
Irondequoit Bay Technical Staff (IBTS)
The Irondequoit Bay Technical Staff (IBTS) is a subcommittee of the IBCC. Membership is made up of representatives from the towns of Irondequoit, Penfield and Webster, Monroe County Planning and Development, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Monroe County Soil and Water Conservation District, New York State Department of State, Environmental Management Council, and the Monroe County Water Quality Coordinating Committee. The IBTS was created to review proposed projects located around the Bay and offer comments and recommendations to the permit-issuing agency for their consideration.
2024 IBTS Meeting Agendas and Notes
2023 IBTS Meeting Agendas and Notes
2022 IBTS Meeting Agendas and Notes
2021 IBTS Meeting Agendas and Notes
2020 IBTS Meeting Agendas and Notes