2025 Public Hearings are as scheduled:
4/22 9:00 am - 11:00 am Conference Room in the RTS Building, 1372 East Main St. Rochester 14609
5/6 9:00 am - 11:00 am Pieter's Life Center, 1025 Commons Way Rochester 14623
2025 Monroe County Office for the Aging Annual Implementation Plan Abstract
The Monroe County Office for the Aging (MCOFA) is a local government organization that is responsible for services to more than 145,000 persons age 60 and older residing in Monroe County, their family caregivers, and people of all ages with a disability. The Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) proposes to support either financially, or through program development efforts, an array of services that allow older persons, caregivers and persons with disabilities to maintain their independence with dignity and provide access to entitled benefits and needed services.
MCOFA is dedicated to:
- Ensuring access and offering information and assistance to older adults, professionals and family caregivers regarding long-term care options for older adults and persons with disabilities through No Wrong Door and NY Connects.
- Advocating on behalf of older persons, family caregivers, and persons with disabilities regarding issues of concern.
- Allocating federal, state and county funds for community-based services and education including:
- Home care and ancillary services, including but not limited to, personal emergency response systems, home delivered meals and emergency home repair or modification.
- Transportation
- Nutrition: congregate meals, home delivered meals, nutrition education and counseling
- Socialization and recreation
- Evidence-based wellness programs (falls prevention, mental health)
- Financial management
- Legal assistance
- Volunteerism
- Elder abuse education, outreach and support
- Respite and social adult day programs
- Grandparents/relatives raising grandchildren/younger relatives
- Coordinating activities and opportunities with other public and private organizations.
- Assessing the needs of older adults and people with disabilities with the goal of connecting them to community-based, long-term care services.
MCOFA prioritizes activities that allow older adults and people with disabilities to maintain their independence with dignity. MCOFA places a special emphasis on assistance to physically frail, income disadvantaged and minority elders. MCOFA was created in 1973 in response to the 1973 amendments to the Older Americans Act (OAA) which called for the creation of the network of Area Agencies on Aging to bring structure to the delivery of social and nutritional services to older adults. The Administration on Community Living, the New York State Office for the Aging and Monroe County provide funding to MCOFA that is allocated to provider organizations in accordance with an Area Agency on Aging-approved Annual Implementation Plan. MCOFA’s 2025-26 proposed operating budget is $10,604,197, and may be adjusted with Monroe County Legislature approval if additional grants are awarded.