Absentee Voting

Due to a recent change in law, New York State voters are no longer permitted to cast a ballot on a voting machine if they have already requested an absentee ballot for that election. Voters who have already requested an absentee ballot can still vote in person using an affidavit ballot. The affidavit ballot will be kept separate until the election is completed. Election officials will verify whether the voter’s absentee ballot has been received. If the voter’s absentee ballot has been received, the affidavit ballot will not be counted. If the voter’s absentee ballot has not been received, the affidavit ballot will be considered.

Printable Absentee Ballot Application - English

Solicitud de boleta de voto en ausencia imprimible - Español

Printable Accessible Absentee Ballot Application (for use with assistive technologies)

NYS Voter Absentee Ballot Online Application

NYS Accessible Absentee Ballot Application Portal (for voters with disabilities or visual impairments) 

For the most up to date NYS absentee ballot regulations visit the NYS website

Military & Overseas Voter deadlines (English)

Military & Overseas Voter deadlines (Spanish)

Voters using the accessible absentee ballot system in need of printing services in order to print their ballot can access such services at certain public printing resources, including but not limited to, libraries, print stores, shipping stores, and office supply stores.  Voters should contact their local printing resources for details on the printing services offered.
In-person voting using an accessible Ballot Marking Device (“BMD”) during early voting or on Election Day is still available to voters with a disability who do not want to vote by absentee ballot using the accessible absentee ballot system.

To Obtain An Absentee Ballot A Voter Must First Submit An Application To The Board Of Elections

A voter can obtain an Absentee Ballot Application in one of the following ways:

Picture of woman in military with absentee ballotQualifications for Absentee, Military, and Federal Voters

A voter may qualify to vote by absentee ballot if their duties, occupation, business or vacation requires them to be absent from their county of residence on election day or if they will be confined by illness, physical disability or for some other reason either on a temporary or permanent basis.

Uniformed Services (MIL)

Members of the Armed Forces and their family members require Federal Post Card Applications that are available from your Voting Assistance Officer on base, or you can visit the U.S. Department of Defense Federal Voting Assistance Program website for forms and information.

Regular (Temporary Ballot - TB)

These are voters who on Election Day or Primary Day are out of the county, temporarily ill, detained in jail awaiting Grand Jury action or confined in prison after conviction for an offense other than a felony. Regular Absentee Ballot Applications are available by calling the Monroe County Board of Elections at 585 753-1550 or you may download the Absentee Ballot Application or the Solicitud de Papeleta en Ausencia.

Permanent Illness or Physical Disability (PRM)

These voters are on a permanent list and receive a ballot for each election for which they are eligible. Regular Absentee Ballot Applications are available by calling the Monroe County Board of Elections at 585 753-1550 or you may download the Absentee Ballot Application or the Solicitud de Papeleta en Ausencia

Special Federal (FED)

U. S. citizens living abroad whose last U. S. address was in Monroe County are allowed to vote for Federal Offices only. These include President, Vice President, U. S. Senator, and Congress.  These voters either:

  • DO NOT intend on returning to live in the United States.
  • Are uncertain if they will return to live in the United States.
  • Have never resided in the United States but are US Citizens.

Federal Post Card Applications are available online from the U.S. Department of Defense Federal Voting Assistance Program.

Full Federal (FF)

Registered voters in Monroe County who will be temporarily residing outside of the U.S. (by virtue of education, employment or accompanying a spouse or dependent) on Election Day with the intention of returning to the U.S., are eligible for a full election ballot containing all contested races in their district.  Such ballot is called a "Full Federal Absentee Ballot".  Federal Post Card Applications (FPCA) for Full Federal Absentee Ballots are available online from the U.S. Department of Defense Federal Voting Assistance Program.  FPCAs mailed to the Monroe County Board of Elections and received timely will be processed and Full Federal Absentee Ballots will be mailed to eligible voters.   

Special Presidential

Registered Monroe County voters who have moved to another jurisdiction after the last day to register are only allowed to vote for President. Special Presidential Absentee Ballot Applications are available by calling the Monroe County Board of Elections at 585 753-1550 or you may download the Special Presidential Absentee Ballot Application.

Ballot Marking Instructions for All Official Ballots For Election

  1. Mark in BLUE or BLACK ink.
  2. To vote for a candidate whose name is printed on this, completely fill in the  (black circle) above the name of the candidate.
  3. To vote for a person whose name is not printed on this ballot, write the name in the blank WRITE-IN space, which appears at the bottom of the column under the title of Office.
  4. Any other mark or writing, or any erasure made on this ballot outside the voting boxes or blank spaces provided for write-in may void this entire ballot.
  5. Do not overvote. If you select a greater number of candidates than there are vacancies to be filled, your ballot will be void for that public office or party position.
  6. If you tear, or deface, or wrongly mark this ballot, ask for instructions on how to obtain a new ballot. Do not attempt to correct mistakes on the ballot by making erasures or cross outs. Erasures or cross outs may invalidate all or part of your ballot. Prior to submitting your ballot, if you make a mistake in completing the ballot or wish to change your ballot choices, you may obtain and complete a new ballot.

Instrucciones De Marcación Para Toda Papeleta Oficial Para Las Elecciones

  1. Marque con tinta AZUL o NEGRA.
  2. Para votar por un candidato donde su nombre está imprimido en esta papeleta, llene el circulo  Completamente que está encima de nombre del candidato.
  3. Para votar por una persona donde su nombre no está imprimido en esta papeleta, escriba el nombre en el espacio un voto escrito “write-in” que aparece al final de la columna del título de oficina.
  4. cualquier otra marca o escritura, o borradura hecha en esta papeleta fuera del encasillado de votar o espacios en blanco proveídos para hacer un voto por escrito puede invalidar la papeleta entera.
  5. No sobre vote. Si selecciona mas candidatos de lo que hay vacantes, su papeleta será nula por esa oficina pública o la posición del partido. 
  6. si rompe, o desfigura o incorrectamente marca esta papeleta, favor de pedir instrucciones sobre cómo obtener una nueva papeleta. No intente corregir errores en la papeleta electoral haciendo borraduras o tachaduras. Borraduras o tachaduras pueden anular todo o parte de su papeleta. Antes de presentar tu papeleta, si se comete un error en la terminación de la votación o si desea cambiar sus opciones. Usted puede obtener y completar una nueva votación.