An information session will be held at the Henrietta Library on April 16 from 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
The City/County Deaf Equity Council (DEC) was formed in the first quarter of 2025 to advise, advocate, and create systemic change that leads to equitable quality of life for all Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing individuals in the City of Rochester and Monroe County.
The DEC is a champion of, by, and for Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing (hereinafter referred to as “Deaf”) residents and visitors in and throughout Monroe County. The DEC aims to ensure that Deaf people thrive in each and all unique intersections of the “Deaf experience,” including but not limited to: Deaf people as a cultural and linguistic minority, day-to-day communication and access to information, accommodations that meet or exceed the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and intersectional Deaf identities such as race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, hearing status, nationality, gender identity, and more. This includes:
- Conduct community outreach and assessments to identify priorities and needs of Deaf, DeafBlind, and Hard of Hearing residents;
- Advise Town, City, and County officials on policies and issues relevant and of importance to Deaf residents;
- Ensure drafting and implementation of relevant legislation in Monroe County area takes the needs of deaf residents into consideration;
- Initiating and sustaining connections with the City of Rochester and neighboring Towns;
- Uphold language equity and the right to sign language, such as American Sign Language, as a fundamental human right for all Deaf people;
- Reduce disparities in language access, quality of life, and satisfaction in all public and private services;
- Foster the recognition and celebration of deaf people as valued members of the Monroe County community and the individual and collective benefits Deaf people and their lived experience bring, and,
- Provide resources about accessibility, inclusion, communication, language rights, cultural needs, and other areas of the “Deaf experience.”
Members of the County Deaf Equity Council uphold the Council’s mission by bringing:
- Diverse and first-hand knowledge of constituent perspectives and lived experiences;
- Professional and/or subject matter expertise; and,
- Connections to City of Rochester, Towns, local and national resources, colleagues, and/or peers.
Deaf Equity Council Membership Criteria:
The Deaf Equity Council shall consist of between nine (9) and eleven (11) members. Each shall have lived experience as one of the following: Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing, or other Spectrum of Deafness as previously identified. Voting members in the full Council will consist of:
at least (7) seven of whom shall be a resident of Monroe County,
at least (2) two of whom shall be a resident of the City of Rochester,
at least (1) one of whom shall identify as DeafBlind,
at least (1) one of whom shall be a practicing Deaf Interpreter,
no more than (1) one of whom shall be a representative of Rochester School for the Deaf and affiliates,
no more than (1) one of whom shall be a representative of Rochester Institute of Technology and affiliates,
no more than (1) one of whom shall be a representative of University of Rochester and affiliates.
Council members are expected to serve on at least (1) one subcommittee. Subcommittee attendance is not limited to Deaf Equity Council members.
Non-voting liaisons to the Council will be appointed as follows:
at least one (1) of whom shall be a representative of the City of Rochester recommended by the Mayor of the City of Rochester,
at least one (1) of whom shall be a representative of the County of Monroe as designated by the County Executive or Chief Diversity Officer,
There is opportunity Hearing Allies to also serve on Sub-committees of their specific affinity and skillset. Subcommittees will be determined by community interest as collected by the founding council members and Monroe County liaison, revisited and revised ongoing as commensurate with the Council’s growth and membership.
Why join?
- Impact many lives by advising representatives on how their decisions and policies may affect Deaf people;
- Serve as a direct resource and link to important lived, professional, and technical expertise;
- Become an ambassador, bridging City/County representatives and Deaf constituents;
- Ensure that solutions and interventions are inclusive of the most marginalized individuals and groups; and,
- Assist in efforts to create systemic change that affects current and future Deaf residents on a widespread scale.
The Council will have an emerging structure with voting members that bring lived experience as Deaf people. The Council is expected to convene every two months for approximately 2 hours each. Council members must reside or work in Monroe County, or must demonstrate genuine vested interest in the well-being of Deaf County residents, such as significant or recurring volunteer hours with an organization that maintains a business address within Monroe County or someone who has close family members (parents, grandparents, siblings, or children) living/working within Monroe County. Details and changes to these guidelines will be produced and communicated upon vote of the full Deaf Equity Council in the future. We recognize there will be changes in scope and process, and we welcome feedback.
Interested in joining the Deaf Equity Council?
Please fill out the form below. If you prefer, you may call our VP: 585-206-1090 and leave your information through ASL Video Message.
For more information contact [email protected] or VP: 585-206-1090.