6100 City Place
50 W. Main Street
Rochester, NY 14614

Photo landscape of open road in the fall

Photo of Thomas J. Frys, P.E. Director of Transportation
Thomas J. Frys, P.E.
Director of Transportation

County Highway Superintendent

About Monroe County DOT

The Monroe County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is responsible for the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of approximately 1,480 lane miles (approximately 664 centerline miles) of county-owned highways, 192 bridges (60 are co-maintained with other agencies such as New York State Department of Transportation and New York State Thruway Authority), 344 major culverts, approximately 140 retaining walls, and approximately 830 traffic signal and flasher devices on the Monroe County highway system. In addition, the department is responsible for:

  • county-wide traffic, highway, and bridge engineering;
  • county-wide road sign fabrication, installation, and maintenance;
  • county-wide pavement marking;
  • installation and maintenance of all traffic control devices on county highways and streets within the City of Rochester;
  • operating and maintaining 4,530 light fixtures along the Rochester area expressway system;
  • operating and maintaining 760 light fixtures along some state highways and 240 light fixtures along some county highways;
  • highway permit issuance for construction activities along county highway right-of-ways;
  • assisting the Towns and Villages with traffic engineering needs upon request;
  • providing surveying and mapping services; and
  • administering the In Bloom and the ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY programs.

To accomplish its work, the department is divided into five divisions:

  1. Major Maintenance and Traffic Engineering
  2. Transportation Engineering and Permits
  3. Transportation Operations
  4. Traffic Signal Engineering and Operations
  5. Project Planning and Administration

Photo of Beautiful bridge landscape

Mission Statement

We construct, operate and maintain a safe and efficient highway, bridge and traffic network to move people and goods throughout the County to enhance community growth, economic well-being and the quality of life.

Interactive Monroe County DOT Highway Map

MCDOT utilizes New York State Department of Transportation's (NYSDOT) Traffic Data Viewer (TDV) for up-to-date traffic data information. Using the TDV, the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) and additional traffic statistics for a Traffic Station can be obtained. The data is downloadable for offline usage. The TDV data set is maintained by NYSDOT's Traffic Monitoring Section. The TDV can be accessed here: www.dot.ny.gov/tdv.

Photo of 2 construction excavators and workers working on a bridge

Moving Traffic Efficiently

We work with other government agencies and private sector business in our effort to keep the roadways of Monroe County safe and to help move traffic efficiently.

For your convenience, we have provided a listing of such agencies and businesses below:

Getting around in Monroe County is not difficult. Free or inexpensive parking for private vehicles is ample at many area businesses. For those citizens needing transportation assistance, the following is a partial listing of available transportation services in the area:

Community Involvement Opportunities

What Can I Do?

We offer a variety of ways that you or your organization can get involved in the community. Community beautification programs, such as ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY or In Bloom, not only improve the look of your neighborhood, but also provide an opportunity to develop team-building skills among the participants.

Monroe County In Bloom

Photo of a Bush surrounded by different color flowers with a sign of "Monroe county in bloom"Monroe County In Bloom is sponsored by the Monroe County and New York State Departments of Transportation and looks for community-minded companies, clubs, or organizations interested in beautifying Monroe County roadways. By planting flowers on highways within Monroe County and the State of New York right-of-ways, we improve our impression to travelers of our road system.

Getting involved is easy! Interested groups simply need to commit to a two-year period of planting and caring for their flower bed.

Work would include: preparing the soil, planting flowers, weeding, bordering mulching, composting and watering. In turn, Monroe County will provide the flowers, landscape design and initial soil preparation. An on-site program coordinator will assist you in roadside safety during initial preparation of your site.

For more information visit the FAQ section or call 585-753-7719.


The ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY program, a Monroe County Department of Transportation sponsored initiative, looks for community-minded companies, clubs, or organizations to signal their commitment to keeping Monroe County looking good by adopting stretches of highway and pledging to keep them litter-free.

Getting involved is easy. A group simply commits to taking care of a segment of highway for a two-year period. Work includes picking up trash, raking, even planting flowers. And there’s virtually no cost to the participating organization. We provide the garbage bags, safety vests, work zone signs and roadside trash pick-up service. The ADOPT-A-HIGHWAY program coordinator will even come to you to explain the program in greater detail and later to train your volunteers in the basics of highway safety and how to conduct a successful clean-up.

For more information visit the FAQ section or call 585-753-7719.

Language Assistance

If information is needed for any person with a Limited English Proficiency, including people who need the information in another language, or people who need an interpreter is needed, contact the Monroe County Department of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, by phone at 585-753-2400, by email at mcdei@monroecounty.gov, or in person on the 7th Floor of the CityPlace Building, 50 W. Main Street, Rochester, NY 14614 during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.

Photo of drain ditch with rocks
