Community Development

 1150 City Place
50 W. Main St.
Rochester, NY 14614
 Chanh Quach, Manager

 Phone: 585 753-2000
 Fax: 585 753-2028
 [email protected]

Apply Online - 2025 Block Grant Application For Funding

The Community Development Office administers three entitlement allocations from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) each year: the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) and the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) programs.

Together these programs channel over $3 million in federal funds to projects that are designed to carry out housing rehabilitation, affordable housing development, neighborhood improvements, essential community services and economic development activities.  Federal regulations require that these programs principally benefit low and moderate-income families, the elderly and persons with special needs.

Home Improvement Program

Monroe County's Home Improvement Program (HIP) provides grants or grant/low-interest loans to income-eligible homeowners for home repairs and improvements in the suburban towns and villages excluding the City of Rochester and Towns of Greece and Irondequoit.  Residents of the city of Rochester, Greece and Irondequoit should contact their respective municipality: City (585) 428-6963; Greece (585) 723-2384; Irondequoit (585) 336-6021. 

Eligible repairs include structural (roof, foundation, windows, exterior paint or siding), major systems (plumbing, heating or electrical) and accessibility accommodations (ramps, lifts, doorways, bathrooms).  Routine maintenance, remodeling and cosmetic improvements are generally not eligible repairs.  

Depending on the cost of needed repairs and household income, you may qualify for a grant of up to $20,000.00.  Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.  Contact Community Development at 585-753-2000 for additional information. Language translation or interpreting services are provided upon request.

First-Time Home Buyer Program

Monroe County's First-time Home Buyer Program is administered by The Housing Council.  The program provides one-time grants for down payment and closing cost assistance to income-eligible first-time home buyers who purchase homes in the suburban towns and villages of Monroe County.

The program also provides a full range of counseling services to help buyers achieve the American Dream of home ownership, including credit repair, budgeting, mortgage products and savings programs, pre-purchase and post-closing assistance.  For additional information, contact The Housing Council First Time Homebuyer - Click Here or call 585-546-3700.

Additional Resources

Other Monroe County Community Development Documents
