Public Safety Badge
Public Safety

"Dedicated to Service"

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CityPlace Building, 4th Floor
      50 W. Main Street
      Rochester, New York 14614

 Phone: (585) 753-3014
 Fax: (585) 753-3023
 [email protected]

Photo of Richard V. Tantalo
Richard V. Tantalo,
Director of Public Safety

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Monroe County Public Safety BadgeAlways Working to Ensure the Safety of Monroe County Citizens

The employees of our dedicated department are committed to the safety of our communities. Every day, the Department of Public Safety is hard at work looking out for Monroe County citizens’ interests in such diverse areas as emergency response, drug abuse, seat belt and traffic safety education, as well as consumer fraud. We want to help you stay safe and healthy in your homes, your work places and your neighborhoods.

The quality of life in Monroe County, NY is affected by many things, but nothing is more important than the safety of your families and children. The people of the Monroe County Department of Public Safety work hard behind the scenes to provide the best possible service to our customers, vendors, the courts, private and public agencies, and most importantly, you and taxpayers of this exceptional community and county. We are truly dedicated to service in all that we do for you and this community.

If you would like more information about any of our services described, please contact our department at (585) 753-3014. We always look forward to speaking with you.


Office of the Director:

The Director of Public Safety, Richard V. Tantalo coordinates and manages a wide variety of services which help to ensure the safety of Monroe County citizens. Director Tantalo develops the County’s public safety policy and promotes cooperation among county, municipal and state public safety agencies and officials.

The Department of Public Safety strives to deliver the highest quality of safety, security, legal, prevention, education and emergency services in the most cost effective and equitable manner possible in collaboration with the entire community. The Director of Public Safety administers the County’s provision of public safety services with the exception of those services provided by the sheriff, district attorney and public defender.

The Director of Public Safety also chairs the Monroe County Criminal Justice Council and co-chairs the Public Safety Sector Team. The Office of the Director provides budgetary review, grant coordination, technical assistance, planning guidance, training services and management for all divisions of this County department.

                                                                               Department Mission Statement

The Monroe County Department of Public Safety, through the effective, dedicated efforts of its divisions, contractors, employees, volunteers and the community, provides education, prevention, technical support, inter-agency coordination and direct services that meet or exceed the expectations of the courts, individuals, and the public and private agencies receiving these services in order to enhance the quality of life in Monroe County, NY.

Department of Public Safety Goals:

The Department of Public Safety strives to deliver the highest quality of safety, security, legal, prevention, education and emergency services in the most cost effective and equitable manner possible in collaboration with the entire community and Monroe County.

Our Key Result Areas & Measures:

Customer Satisfaction: In a courteous and efficient manner, customers will be provided with expected services that anticipate their needs. Services and resources provided are rated by customers as thorough, accurate and timely; resolution of customer complaints.

Productive Workforce: Through a continuing process of training, education, encouragement and recognition, our workforce is properly equipped, knowledgeable, competent, motivated and empowered to meet and exceed customer expectations. Employees are satisfied and rewarded by the challenging work of the Department of Public Safety by providing critical services to the community. An atmosphere conducive to a productive workforce is exhibited through employee training opportunities and the availability of appropriate technology.

Quality Services: This department provides timely, efficient and effective services that meet the physical and emotional needs of our customers. Our mandated guidelines are always met or exceeded.

Economic Growth: This department provides an atmosphere of safety and security in the community that will nurture existing businesses, attract new business and provide economic growth and fair competition. We continue coordinated efforts among Public Safety agencies to provide a community that will enhance the economic future of Monroe County.

Fiscal Responsibility: This Department of Public Safety develops and implements an innovative and responsive plan that appropriately reflects and anticipates staffing and resources required to efficiently meet our customers needs. Where applicable, this department obtains grant funding for programs. The Department of Public Safety also ensures the appropriate use of public funds through revenue generating initiatives, collecting fees/fines, using effective resources allocated and establishing cost reduction initiatives.
