On This Page
Video Traffic Safety Announcements
Stop-DWI | Light on for Life Motorcade
Pedestrian Safety
Child Passenger Safety
Bus Safety 2
Bus Safety 1
Motorcycle Safety PSA
The Department of Public Safety is excited to reignite the efforts of the drive2Bbetter traffic safety community messaging campaign to improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety. Drive2Bbetter focuses on improving driver behavior by highlighting drivers’ need to slow down, scan for pedestrians and allow bicyclists at least three-feet of space on the road. These are known as the 3 S's! Messaging is shared in various advertising forms in, and the county invites community members to help spread the word through their networks. Visit the #Drive2bBetter website or social media for more information.
Set the Pace for Vehicle Safety
The Pace Car Program is a partnership between the City of Rochester, the County of Monroe, and Reconnect Rochester, which asks drivers to be part of the solution to make streets safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, drivers, and all who are out and about engaging in daily life.
Drivers sign a pledge to drive within the speed limit, drive courteously, yield to pedestrians, and be mindful of bicyclists and others on the street. Those taking the pledge display the yellow Pace Car sticker on their vehicles. It’s a citizens-in-action movement, with citizens leading by example, helping to calm traffic and raise awareness of the need for livable streets
A Pace Car Driver recognizes that quality of life for all residents is enhanced when responsible drivers adhere to the laws and safe driving practices on every street in our neighborhoods. A Pace Car Driver also serves as an example so that others will respect safety on our streets.
Display the sticker on a window, bumper, or body of the rear of your vehicle.
You can submit the pledge online to receive your free Pace Car sticker in the mail. You can also fill out a paper form in person at one of the City’s Participating Locations.