The department is the principal organization level of the county. Departments are identified either as operating departments, which provide direct services to citizens, or staff departments, which perform functions relating to the support of the operating departments. The County Clerk, District Attorney and Sheriff are directly elected by popular vote as are the County Executive and the twenty-nine Legislators.
Departments may be separated into divisions, divisions into sections, and sections into units, as necessary, to reach a level which facilitates analysis and understanding. (Additional links to other important agencies and divisions have been added alphabetically in the left menu.) The department level, however, is the level at which the County Legislature actually authorizes appropriations. The number of divisions, sections and units presented generally varies according to a department’s size and complexity.
County Executive, Office of the
Email: Adam J. Bello, County Executive
The County Executive is the chief executive officer and administrative head of the Monroe County government. The County Executive develops policies, proposes legislation to the County Legislature, appoints department heads, directs the preparation of the annual operating budget and the Capital Improvement Program and coordinates the management of all departments. The County Executive also represents County interests to the local, state and federal governments. The County Executive is elected to serve a four-year term.
Airport (Aviation Department)
Email: Andrew G. Moore, Airport Director
The Greater Rochester International Airport is a major commercial air facility in New York State. The county licenses the Airport’s facilities to the Monroe County Airport Authority (MCAA) which sublets land and terminal space to airlines, concessionaries and various other parties. The Aviation Department is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Airport including administrative services, building and field maintenance, security and emergency response to the MCAA under contract. The Airport is self-funded and requires no financial support from the county general fund. Airport facilities include a modern terminal building, two airline concourses with a total of 21 aircraft gates, a 1,400-space covered parking garage, a 1,350-space outside surface lot, and a shuttle parking lot with 2,600 spaces.
Board of Elections
Email: Lisa P. Nicolay, Republican Commissioner
Email: Jackie Ortiz, Democratic Commissioner
The Board of Elections conducts all national, state, county, city and town elections in Monroe County. National elections now require compliance with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA). New York State Legislation identifies additional requirements and implementation procedures. In addition, the Board of Elections provides machines, support and relevant materials to villages, school districts, fire districts, union districts, water districts and other organizations both private and public. It currently maintains official election records on 436,000 voters and directs all aspects of voter registration, redistricting and administration of elections. Our updated automated records provide an historical and legal source for governmental agencies and individuals requiring documentation for employment, residency and citizenship.
Email: [email protected]
The Department of Communications consolidates a number of county communications functions: Freedom of Information procedures, public information activities, emergency response, graphic coordination and special events planning. Communications is the center source of information on Monroe County operations for all of its customers in the general public, the media and within Monroe County government. The department promotes the policies, programs and agenda of the Monroe County Administration, contributing to the success of those programs by developing community and internal support for them.
County Clerk
Email: Ms. Jamie Romeo, Monroe County Clerk
The Monroe County Clerk is the County Registrar and Clerk of the Supreme and County Courts. The Clerk is responsible for filing, recording and storing official documents and acts as agent for state and federal governments for passports, pistol permits, sporting licenses and motor vehicle related transactions. The Office of the County Clerk provides accurate and timely processing of transactions, delivery of information and responsible records management to the public in a customer-friendly atmosphere to ensure the fulfillment of federal, state and county laws.
District Attorney
Email: Sandra Doorley, District Attorney
The District Attorney is a constitutional officer elected to a four-year term as Chief Prosecutor for Monroe County. The office oversees the prosecution of all crimes committed in the county. The work performed by this department is mandated by state law, but the county exercises some control over service levels. The District Attorney’s Office will continue to pursue established priorities such as the delivery of specialized services to the victims and witnesses of crime and the enhancement of prosecutorial efforts in cases involving violent felonies, drug abuse and homicide.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Email: David C. Scott, Chief Diversity Officer
The Department of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion spearheads efforts to diversify the county’s workforce, review contracting and procurement procedures and develop and implement policies and strategies to combat all forms of bias and unequal treatment. The department seeks effective methods and procedures for recruitment, selection, placement and promotion of racial and ethnic minorities, women, veterans, persons who identify as LGBTQ, and persons with disabilities.
Environmental Services
Email: Michael J. Garland, Director
The Department of Environmental Services manages a viable infrastructure to enhance the environment, to preserve natural resources and to protect the public health of our community. This is accomplished by effectively and efficiently using the waste disposal facilities under our charge, providing programs of environmental education and public awareness, evaluating and implementing new technologies that are cost effective and environmentally beneficial, recruiting and training an enthusiastic and competent work force and ensuring that infrastructure, services, and resources meet the demands of economic growth.
Email: [email protected]
Under the administration of the Director of Finance–Chief Financial Officer, the department serves to supervise and control the financial affairs of the County. This includes coordinating and managing the functions of the Office of the Controller, the Office of Grants and Reimbursements, and the divisions of Treasury, Real Property Tax Service, Purchasing, and Internal Audit, as well as debt management.
Human Resources
Email: Andrea M. Guzzetta Zury, Director
The Department of Human Resources is responsible for the personnel function for Monroe County government as well as the civil service function for all local governmental units within the county, except for the City of Rochester. Additionally, the department administers county payroll, labor relations, recruitment, employee safety, benefits, training, risk management, and employee relations and non-discrimination policies.
Human Services
Email: Thalia Wright, Commissioner
The Department of Human Services (DHS) has as its goal a common sense human service delivery system that is comprehensive, responsive, coordinated and based on measurable results. The Department provides various forms of assistance to citizens of Monroe County including income support, medical assistance and comprehensive services designed to promote a higher quality of life for children, families and disadvantaged or elderly adults. DHS is organized into the following primary divisions: Central Administration, Child and Family Services, Financial Assistance, Special Children’s Services, Operations, Adult-Older Adult Services, Children’s Center, Office for the Aging, Rochester-Monroe County Youth Bureau and Office of Mental Health.
Information Services
Email: Jennifer Cougle, EdD, MIS, PMP, CGCIO, Chief Information Officer
Information Services provides solutions to meet the county’s requirements for information for both internal departments and external customers such as towns, villages, the city and citizens. The department performs business process re-engineering and user needs assessments, then matches information requirements with cost-effective information technology. Information Services coordinates the installation, operation and maintenance of county servers, storage, and end user devices. It is also responsible for monitoring and evaluating technological developments and formulating standards and guidelines for computing within Monroe County government.
Email: John P. Bringewatt, County Attorney
The Monroe County Law Department provides to county departments and residents high quality legal representation and counsel that are of value to the community at large. These services meet client and public needs, are delivered expeditiously and inspire client and public confidence. The Law Department provides quality legal services to enable Monroe County government to assure a safe, healthy, prosperous and stimulating environment which results in a world class place to live, work and enjoy life.
Monroe Community Hospital
Email: Alyssa N. Tallo, PT, DPT, LNHA, Executive Health Director
Monroe Community Hospital (MCH) provides multi-disciplinary services for the extended care and treatment of the aged and chronically ill patient. The primary mission of the facility is to provide high-quality, comprehensive patient-centered care with the emphasis on functional restoration. Physicians and dental staff are provided for the hospital by a medical affiliation contract with the University of Rochester. Patients are assessed prior to admission and periodically after admission to determine the nursing/rehabilitation services they require.
Email: Patrick Meredith, Director
Parks in Monroe County were established in 1888 with the creation of the Rochester Parks Commission and the dedication of Highland Park. In 1926, the county began to assume direct responsibility for the management of local parklands, and today the Parks Department operates 21 parks totaling more than 12,000 acres. Almost all 21 county parks have picnic and hiking areas and most are equipped with sports facilities, shelters and lodges.
Planning and Development
Email: [email protected]
The Planning and Development Department provides and coordinates a broad range of programs focusing on job retention and creation, employment and training services, land use planning and resource conservation as well as housing and neighborhood preservation. The department integrates planning services with economic and community development activities through partnerships with local governments and the private sector.
Public Defender
Email: Julie Cianca, Public Defender
The Public Defender is appointed by the County Legislature for a two-year term. The Public Defender’s Office represents indigent individuals in criminal court proceedings, Family Court, and Surrogate Court. Services are mandated by state and federal law, but are subject to some county control. The Public Defender heads a professional staff which includes attorneys and support staff.
Public Health
Email: Dr. Marielena Velez de Brown, Commissioner of Public Health
The Department of Public Health provides a wide range of services designed to promote health and protect the public from disease and environmental hazards. Services focus on prevention of health problems through education, preventive services and enforcement of health codes and medical policies. Categories of service include maternal and child health, environmental health, communicable disease prevention and control (including clinic services), and medical examiner services.
Public Integrity
Email: Janson D. McNair, Director
The Office of Public Integrity promotes and defends the integrity, efficiency and accountability of the County of Monroe and its operations. The office identifies and investigates allegations of waste, fraud and abuse by County employees, as well as outside vendors conducting business with the County. The purpose of this task is to promote an atmosphere of honesty and integrity within County government.
Public Safety
Email: Richard V. Tantalo, Director
The Department of Public Safety consolidates and manages functions related to the provision of public safety services. Public Safety provides support services and tools to the first responders through coordinated efforts with all agencies and disciplines to ensure their protection in serving the entire community. The Public Safety department has as its largest component the division of Probation/Community Corrections. Other Public Safety services include: 9-1-1 Emergency Communications, Office of Emergency Preparedness, the Mutual Aid Fire Bureau, the Public Safety Laboratory, Weights and Measures, Public Safety Communications, Central Police Services, Traffic Safety, STOP-DWI and Alternatives to Incarceration, Judicial System Support for the United Court System and the State Appellate Court, as well as the Assigned Counsel/Conflict Defender.
Research Strategy & Development
Email: Rebecca Case Caico, Director
The Research Strategy and Development (RSD) division was established to assess the impact of Monroe County efforts throughout our community to help inform policy and future investment decisions. RSD is uniquely positioned to collect, analyze and report data gathered from county sources and community fieldwork, including Monroe County Departments of Public Health, Human Services and Public Safety, the Office of Mental Health and key community-based organizations. As part of RSD’s strategy, mixed quantitative and qualitative approaches are implemented to identify trends and determine the effectiveness of Monroe County investments.
Email: Todd K. Baxter, Sheriff
The Office of the Sheriff consists of an administrative division and four bureaus: Civil, Police, Jail and Court Security. The Civil Bureau is the enforcement arm of the courts in all civil matters. The Police Bureau provides law enforcement services to the county outside the City of Rochester, and operates specialized patrols at the airport, in county parks, and on navigable waterways. The Jail Bureau provides housing for incarcerated individuals remanded by the courts. It also transports prisoners to and from courts and to state correctional institutions. Court Security Bureau provides safety and protection in the courtrooms of the Hall of Justice and the Appellate Court Building on East Avenue.
Email: Thomas J Frys, P.E., Acting Director
The Department of Transportation is responsible for the safe and efficient operation of approximately 1,500 lane miles of county highways, 180 bridges and 275 major culverts. It is also responsible for the installation and maintenance of all traffic control devices on county highways and on the streets within the City of Rochester including 785 traffic signal devices, as well as the operation of the Colonel Patrick O'Rorke Bridge.
Veterans Service Agency
Email: Nicholas Stefanovic, Director
The County Veterans Service Agency counsels and assists veterans and their descendants in areas such as pension and compensation, health and medical, rehabilitation, educational and life insurance services. The agency advocates on behalf of all Monroe County veterans to ensure they receive the maximum benefits to which they are entitled under federal, state and local law. Service Officers actively assist veterans in pursuing claims for burial benefits, disability compensation, pension benefits, real property tax exemptions and other benefits. Presentations to veterans organizations and civic groups keep veterans informed of agency functions and new laws affecting their benefits. Agency staff assist with activities associated with memorial decorations and services honoring veterans.