Phone: (585) 753-5064 Fax: (585) 753-5013 [email protected]
Open Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 9am-12pm 111 Westfall Road, Room 832 Rochester, NY 14620
Additional office hours are available by appointment. Please call 585-753-5064 to schedule.
What we do: 
Issue permits to Food Service Establishments in Monroe County.
Enforce Subpart 14-1 of the New York State Sanitary Code.
Conduct routine inspections of regulated food service establishments, including restaurants, schools, bakeries, mobile vendors, and temporary food vendors.
Respond to complaints of public health significance.
Offer technical consultation and food worker certification training (Note: training is currently suspended)
Evaluate high risk establishments using HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Point) Principles.
Investigate reports of food borne illness.
Respond to emergencies that could result in food contamination such as occurs with fires, floods, power outages, and chemical and biological contamination.
Participate in food recalls and embargoes.
Participate in food and human specimen sampling and testing for food borne illness causing organisms or agents.
Review plans for new and expanded facilities to ensure code compliance.
Respond to information requests from the general public and food service operators.
Food Service Applications
- Application for a Permit to Operate a Brick & Mortar Food Service Establishment
- Application for a Permit to Operate a Mobile Food Service Establishment (Truck, Trailer, Cart)
- Note that if you plan on vending in the City of Rochester, you will also need a solicitor's license from the City Clerk's Licensing Office. More information is available on the City of Rochester website.
- Application for a Permit to Operate at a Seasonal Farmer's Market
- Application for a Permit to Operate a Temporary Food Service Establishment
- NOTE: Temporary Food Service Establishment Permit Applications must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the event start date.
- Application for Approval of Plans for a Brick & Mortar Food Service Establishment
- Application for Approval of Plans for a Mobile Truck or Trailer Food Service Establishment
- Hot-Cold Holding Waiver Request Form
- Request to Add Catering to Existing Brick & Mortar Food Service Establishment Permit
- Online Credit Card Payment (Note: An invoice must be created by our office before paying online)
- Fee Waiver Request Application Form
- Credit Card Authorization Form
Food Service Guidance Documents
- Temporary Food Service Requirements (Fairs/Festivals/Food Sampling Booths)
- Temporary Hand Wash Set-up
- Food Sampling & Tasting at Public Events
- Temporary Food Permit Exemption for Non-TCS Foods
- Seasonal Farmers Market Information
- Recommended Checklist for New or Remodeled Establishments
- Pushcart Requirements
- Commissary Requirements
- Guidelines for Mobile Food Service Trucks/Trailers
- First Aid For Choking Poster
- Food Safety Temperature Guide
- Cooling and Reheating of Potentially Hazardous Foods
- HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Point) Principles
- Hand washing and Glove Use for Food Workers
- Procedures for Safe Storage of Eggs and Foods Made With Eggs
- Use of Hands in Preparation of Ready to Eat Foods
- Keeping Food Safe during an Emergency
NYS Sanitary Code
- Subpart 14-1 of the NYS Sanitary Code - Food Service Establishments
- Subpart 14-2 of the NYS Sanitary Code - Temporary Food Service Establishments
- Subpart 14-4 of the NYS Sanitary Code - Mobile Food Service Establishments and Pushcarts
NEW Allergen Notification Law
Effective 5/20/2023, Public Health Law §1356 was signed into law requiring food service establishments to post a notice to their employees raising food allergy awareness.
- The new State law specifically requires posting of the allergen notice developed by the NYSDOH which can be found here
- The law also requires that food service establishments include the following statement on their menu or menu assembly: "If you have a food allergy, please notify us. Allergen information for menu items is available. Ask an employee for details." Online menus must also include this statement, and a method by which a customer can indicate if they have a food allergy.
Q&A regarding the new law:
Q: Does this new law apply to temporary and mobile units as well?
A: Yes, this law applies to all food service operations including temporary food services and mobile units, except vending machine operations. The law also applies to food service operations at other permitted operation types such children’s camps, temporary residences and campgrounds.
Q: Where can we find the notice and menu statement translated into other languages?
A: The notice and menu statement are being translated into the 12 most commonly spoken languages in New York other than English, and these translations will be posted to the NYSDOH website as soon as they are available.
Q: Do facilities really need to include the statement on their menus or are there other alternatives?
A: We realize that operators may be reluctant to update their existing menus to include the allergen statement. As this statement is specifically written into the law, there are no exceptions or alternatives. The law does allow the menu statement to be affixed to menu assemblies, if applicable (can be added after the fact/attached to existing menus).
Food Service Inspection Results
Click Health Data NY to view individual Food Service Establishment Inspection Results provided by New York State Department of Public Health.
Food Worker Certification Documents
Call 585 753-5064 or email [email protected] if you have questions about training requirements.
NOTE: Monroe County classroom training is currently suspended. Please refer to the Guide to Food Worker Training Certification document for a list of local and online training providers.