Conflict Defender Logo
Monroe County Conflict Defender's Office

 16 East Main St, , Suite 600
Rochester, New York 14614

 Phone: (585) 753-3480
 Fax: (585) 753-3489

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Photo of Sarah Holt
Sarah S. Holt
Conflict Defender

Who We Are

The Monroe County Conflict Defender’s Office is a legal services provider that handles criminal and family court cases for community members who are unable to afford an attorney. 

What We Do

Highly skilled staff attorneys at the Conflict Defender provide client-centered legal representation to thousands of clients each year in Rochester City Court, Monroe County Family Court, and the state appellate courts.

Why We Do It

Our office was created in 2003 to represent clients that posed a conflict of interest for the Public Defender’s Office. Although the process of assigning cases has evolved over the years, the name “Conflict Defender” has remained. 

Photo of lawyer in courtroom
Photo of lawyer in courtroom

Our Mission Statement

The Conflict Defender’s Office is committed to providing exceptional legal representation and compassionate support to members of our community involved in the criminal and family court systems. 

We believe that everyone deserves zealous legal advocacy regardless of whether they can afford counsel.

We know that each and every client is a person deserving of dignity and respect.

We realize that we cannot properly address inequities in our justice system, particularly for low-income people and members of communities of color, without first attending to the individual needs of the client.

Photo of lawyer in courtroom
Photo of lawyer in courtroom
Photo of lawyer in courtroom
Photo of lawyer in courtroom