Residential Curbside Recycling
The following commingled materials are accepted for curbside recycling and also for drop off at ecopark.
Acceptable Paper Items
- Newspapers and inserts
- Magazines and catalogs
- Junk mail, advertisements and brochures
- Clean cardboard (flatten, not to exceed 2x4 feet)
- Pizza boxes (clean, empty and flatten)
- Paper egg cartons NO styrofoam
- Paper boxes - cereal, cracker, soda, tissue, shoe, gift, toy, pasta, etc. - flatten NO plastic liners
- Soft cover books (including phone books)
- Home office paper, files, school papers, etc. Shredded paper must be in brown paper bags
- Envelopes (including windowed envelopes)
- Gift wrap (non foil/metallic, no ribbon)
- Gable-top cartons & drink boxes (rinsed, lids reattached)
Acceptable Plastic Items
Plastic bottles, jars, jugs & tubs. Acceptable plastics include clean dry & empty:
- Bottles: beverage, soap, squeeze bottles, and spray bottles (reattach caps, pumps, and lids)
- Jugs: milk, laundry detergent, etc. (reattach caps)
- Jars: peanut butter, mayonnaise, sauce, etc. (reattach lids)
- Tubs: dairy products like sour cream, margarine, yogurt etc. (reattach lids)
NO styrofoam, empty prescription bottles, pesticide containers, bulky items, bags or filmy product wrapping, or single use plastics (coffee pods, straws, utensils)
Acceptable Metal & Glass Items
- Metal Pots, Pans and Aluminum Foilware
- License Plates (defaced)
- Metal Food and Beverage Cans (lids are accepted)
- EMPTY Aerosol Cans (with caps) NO pesticides or spray paints!
- Glass food and beverage bottles, jugs and jars (with or without caps) NO drinking glasses, window glass, pyrex, light bulbs, etc.
Unacceptable Items
Help Prevent Windblown Litter
Help reduce windblown litter by delaying recycling if high winds are forecast.
Reduce Junk Mail
Reduce the amount of junk mail you receive by calling the following toll-free number: 1-888-567-8688.
New or Replacement Recycling Bins
In order to obtain a new or replacement recycling bin, homeowners must call their garbage collector. City of Rochester residents should call 585 428-5990.
Local Recycling Centers
Items accepted for curbside recycling can also be dropped off at ecopark and local recycling centers.