Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Services

The Monroe County Office of Mental Health provides funding to a number of community-based provider agencies for the provision of services to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

Developmental Disabilities Regional Offices (DDROs) are the starting point to apply for services. With an eye to enhanced oversight and quality improvement, the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) has established 5 regionally based offices across the state that allow for better coordination of services with the State Office of Mental Health, State Department of Health and other agencies with whom we often partner in providing services.

In order to assist individuals and families to make informed choices about the supports and services best suited to their needs, DDROs work with local voluntary provider agencies to improve access to and coordinate services within a region.

DDROs are responsible for the following activities:

  • Determination of Developmental Disability Eligibility
  • Intake
  • Waiver enrollment (a Federalā€State partnership which makes certain types of services available within the home or community so as to avoid placement in an institution)
  • Authorization of services for individuals with developmental disabilities
  • Consistent practices which support accessing supports and services in the most integrated setting and in line with presenting needs
  • Management of resources for crisis intervention
  • Advocacy
  • Shared management of OPWDD statewide applications;
  • Service recruitment and development for the Family Care program; and
  • Programs, services and supports for aging individuals with developmental disabilities.


Eligibility for services is determined by the Developmental Disabilities Regional Offices(DDROs). For more information, please contact the Finger Lakes Regional Office at (866) 946-9733. 
