Certificate of Residency Form

Certificate of Residency Info / Requirements

Fill out the form below to receive a certificate of residency. To submit the online form you must upload proof of address. All documents submitted as proof of address must include the following information:

  • include the student’s name;
  • physical street address (not a PO Box); and
  • be dated accordingly

View Examples of Acceptable Proof of Address Documents

  • Report cards with an issue date of 1-year old, or within 30 days
  • High school transcript
  • College correspondence including bills or schedule of classes
  • NYS TAP Information
  • Bank statements
  • Tax bill
  • Utility bills
  • Dated mail or postmarked envelopes
  • Formal lease
  • Voter Registration Card
  • Driver’s license
  • Car registration and/or insurance card may be used when the issue date reflected is 1 year old, or within 30 days of application
  • Green Card
  • Filed Applications for Permanent Residency
* Required Fields
Upload Proof of Address
Allowed file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf. Max file size: 5mb.
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Select a school to see available semesters.
Note: Applications can be submitted no sooner than 60 days prior to and no later than 30 days after the start of the semester. If your starting semester is not listed above, it is either too late or too early to apply.
Format: 123121234 (numbers only - do not enter spaces or dashes)
Note: If you do not want to provide your SSN, please enter your school id from the previous year, or leave this field blank.
Residence Address
Please select the specific municipality you reside in.