Monroe County Agricultural Districts No. 5 and No. 6 Eight-Year Review and 2025 Monroe County Agricultural Annual Addition

February 28th, 2025

Photo of farmland and barn

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Article 25AA of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law, titled Agricultural Districts, provides counties with the opportunity to create agricultural districts for the purpose of protecting and promoting the agriculture industry. Per 25AA Section 303-a,

Monroe County’s Agricultural Districts No. 5 and No. 6 are currently under review. As part of this process, property owners have the opportunity to add their land to or remove their land from the District.

Property owners have the opportunity to request viable agricultural land be added to an established state- certified agricultural district during a 30-day period annually. For Monroe County landowners, the annual addition period occurs from March 1 to March 30 each year.

The Monroe County Legislature is accepting comments about the District and requests for modification to the District for 30 days, from March 1, 2025 through March 30, 2025. Forms are available at Any proposed modifications to the Districts must be submitted in writing to the Clerk of the Monroe County Legislature within this 30-day period for public review. Submit your request to: Clerk of the Legislature, County Office Building, Room 407, 39 West Main Street, Rochester, NY 14614; or email the form to: [email protected]

After March 30, all requests to modify the District and a report on the District will be referred to the Monroe County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board. The Board then has 30 days to submit a report to the County Legislature that discusses local land use practices in the Districts; proposed modifications to the Districts; and a recommendation to continue and modify or terminate the Districts.

The Monroe County Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board will hold two Public Information Meetings regarding the District Review: one at the Town of Ogden Community Center, 269 Ogden Center Road, Spencerport, New York, 14559, on Tuesday, March 11, at 7:00 p.m.; a second at the Town of Pittsford, Community Center, Room 107, 35 Lincoln Ave, Pittsford, New York, 14534, on Wednesday, March 12, at 7:00 p.m.

There will be a Public Hearing on this matter at a meeting of the Planning and Economic Development Committee before the County Legislature takes action on the Agricultural and Farmland Protection Board’s proposal. The Public Hearing Notice will be published in local newspapers, posted on the county website, and sent to affected municipalities and landowners.

Monroe County’s District No. 5, encompassing approximately 96,475 acres in portions of the Towns of Chili, Clarkson, Gates, Greece, Hamlin, Ogden, Parma, Riga, Sweden, and Wheatland and the Villages of Churchville, Hilton, and Spencerport; and District No. 6, encompassing approximately 46,994 acres in portions of the Towns of Brighton, Henrietta, Penfield, Perinton, Pittsford, Mendon, Rush, and Webster and the Villages of Honeoye Falls and Pittsford. The districts were originally established between 1973 and 1976 pursuant to Article 25-AA of the New York State Agriculture and Markets Law. A map of the Districts is on file and open to public inspection in the office of the Clerk of the Monroe County Legislature and online at the Monroe County Planning Division website:

Please contact Bob King, Monroe Community College, Agricultural and Life Sciences Institute at (585) 292-2065 or [email protected] with questions and comments or for more information.
