April 30th, 2024

Test scheduled between 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. for a four-minute duration
Spanish Language Version (PDF)
Constellation Energy Generation’s R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant will perform a test of its public notification system between 9:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 7. All 96 sirens will sound in Ginna’s 10-mile radius for a four~minute duration. Sirens will be heard in portions of Webster, Penfield and areas near the Irondequoit Bay.
The tests will be initiated from the City of Rochester/Monroe County 911 activation points and will be in coordination with the Wayne County Emergency Operations Center. Additional single-siren tests may be conducted throughout the day.
No response by the public is necessary, as this is only a test. In an actual emergency, the sirens will alert the public to tune in to a local Emergency Alert System (EAS) radio or television station for information. Current EAS stations and other important emergency planning information for residents, workers, and visitors within 10 miles of a Constellation-owned nuclear power plant is posted on Monroe County’s website: monroecounty.gov/safety-oem.
R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant is located on 426 acres along the south shores of Lake Ontario in Ontario, NY, about 20 miles northeast of Rochester and 53 miles southwest of Constellation's Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station.