July 29th, 2024

The following are temporary road closures near the Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester International Airport during the 2024 A.P. Property Services Rochester International Airshow featuring the United States Air Force F-16 Viper Demo team and the Italian National Jet team, ‘Frecce Tricolori’.
Airshow Road Closures:
Patriot Way @ Scottsville Rd: Essential personnel only during box shutdown. No unauthorized persons allowed onto Patriot Way.
Old Beahan Rd @ Scottsville Rd: Old Beahan Rd. closed for the duration of the airshow.
Paul Rd @ Scottsville Rd: Paul Rd. closed to all traffic during airshow hours.
Paul Rd @ Millstead Way: Millstead Rd closed to all traffic.
Paul Rd @ Beahan Rd: No traffic onto Paul Rd south of Beahan Rd. Paul Road closed during airshow hours.
Beahan Rd (East Shoulder): No parking on the east shoulder of Beahan Rd adjacent to the airport property during airshow hours.
Friday, August 2 |
1:45–4 p.m. |
Saturday, August 3 |
9 a.m.–4 p.m. |
Sunday, August 4 |
9 a.m.–4 p.m. |
Additionally, the following roads will be closed during the F-16 Viper Demo team and Frecce Tricolori performances only:
Airport Way (Brooks Ave entrance) @ Cell Phone Lot: No traffic past the cell phone lot towards the roundabout from Airport Way.
Airport Way (Brooks Ave entrance) @ Roundabout: Close traffic onto Airport Way from the roundabout.
*Detours will be posted
Friday, August 2 |
1:45–4 p.m. |
Saturday, August 3 |
1:45–4 p.m. |
Sunday, August 4 |
1:45–4 p.m. |