July 3rd, 2024

High visibility engagement campaign targets impaired driving through Sunday, July 7
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Monroe County Executive Adam Bello announced today that the county’s STOP-DWI Program is collaborating with Monroe County police agencies this holiday week to raise awareness about the dangers of impaired driving and intensify efforts to remove impaired drivers from the roads, ensuring community safety.
“I am grateful to our STOP-DWI Program for their ongoing efforts to raise awareness about impaired driving and our law enforcement officers across Monroe County who will be out in full force this weekend protecting the community,” said County Executive Adam Bello. “If you are having drinks while gathering for fun and festivities over Independence Day and throughout the weekend, make sure you to have a plan to get home safe—whether it’s a designated driver, public transportation, a taxi, or and Uber—if you’re drinking don’t drive.”
The statewide STOP-DWI High Visibility Engagement Campaign, which includes additional patrols and police presence on roadways, will start on Wednesday, July 3 and conclude on Sunday, July 7. The Fourth of July extended weekend is historically a deadly period for impaired driving. With July 4 falling on a Thursday this year, heavy travel is expected to begin on July 3.
Americans love to celebrate the Fourth of July with family, friends, food and fireworks. Unfortunately, these festivities too often turn tragic on area roads. The fact is this iconic American holiday is also one of the deadliest due to impaired- driving crashes.
“During the past four Independence Day weekends, 308 people were injured and 4 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes on Monroe County roadways, with many of those crashes caused by the reckless decisions of impaired drivers,” said Lindsay Tomidy, Monroe County STOP-DWI coordinator. “Any life lost is one too many. Our office is incredibly grateful for those who will help us prevent any fatalities during this holiday period. Everyone can do their part, whether it’s law enforcement removing impaired and reckless motorists from the road or friends and family preventing them from driving impaired in the first place.”
The STOP-DWI July 4th High Visibility Engagement Campaign is one of many statewide initiatives promoted by STOP-DWI NY and the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee. Highly visible, highly publicized efforts like the STOP- DWI High Visibility Engagement Campaign aim to further reduce the incidence of drunk and impaired driving.
You can help to make a difference by having a sober plan before any consumption! Impaired driving is completely preventable — all it takes is a little planning. For more resources, visit Monroe County STOP-DWI at http://monroecounty.gov/safety-stopdwi.