June 4th, 2024

Concert begins at 7 p.m.
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Monroe County Executive Adam J. Bello announced today that the popular summer concert series, Concerts by the Shore, begins tomorrow Wednesday, June 5, with a 7 p.m. performance by party band, Nik and the Nice Guys at Ontario Beach Park. There is no fee to attend.
In its 38th season, the music series takes place every Wednesday at Ontario Beach Park from June 5 through August 28. Parking is available in the beach parking lots and the park is accessible by RTS.
Concert-goers are encouraged to arrive early and either bring a picnic dinner or visit one of the lakeshore area restaurants. Additionally, food concessions will be available at this year’s series, including hot dogs, hamburgers, sausage and Red Osier Roast Beef sandwiches.
Wegmans sponsors the family-friendly performances at Ontario Beach Park. The series is presented by the all-volunteer Ontario Beach Park Program Committee in partnership with the City of Rochester and Monroe County.
For the complete schedule of concerts, call the Beach Information line at (585) 865-3320 or visit www.ontariobeachentertainment.org.