May 30th, 2024

The Lodge is 1,600 Square Feet and ADA accessible
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Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today cut the ribbon on a new Knollwood Lodge at Northampton Park in the Town of Sweden. This new lodge continues the County Executive’s investments into Monroe County Parks that have increased accessibility for parks’ patrons. The 1,600 square foot lodge has a 1,100 square foot open pavilion attached and is fully compliant with all Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements. Knollwood is also the first lodge in the Monroe County Parks system that includes an adult changing table in its accessible bathroom. The former Knollwood Lodge will be repurposed into a Labor Center for park staff.
“Lodges like Knollwood are where celebrations take place and memories are made, it’s only right that everyone is able to use and enjoy them,” said County Executive Bello. “Not only are we able to increase accessibility for our parks’ patrons but we’re also giving park staff an updated, safe and usable work space.”
The construction of Knollwood Lodge joins a growing list of improvements to Northampton Park including renovations at the Ski Lodge and the Alpine Adventure Zone Playground.
"I am proud to announce, alongside my partners in government, the opening of the new Knollwood Lodge at Northampton Park. This new lodge represents a commitment from our County to provide our residents with beautiful spaces to gather, celebrate, and enjoy our Monroe County Parks,” said Legislator Robert Colby. “While the previous building was outdated and in desperate need of renovations, this new facility will serve our community for many years to come."
The Lodge is available for rent at