May 14th, 2024

Training Rochester Adults in Construction Skills (TRACS) is a construction pre- apprenticeship program in Rochester, NY. In collaboration with Rochester Careers in Construction, Inc., The Urban League of Rochester, the Rochester Building and Construction Trades Council, North American Building Trades Union (NABTU), and TradeFutures TRACS announces COMIDA’s commitment to workforce development training in union careers on Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 4:00 PM at the Laborers Local 435.
For the next three years, COMIDA will allocate $250,000 annually to TRACS to help train career seekers and develop a pipeline for the union building trades. TRACS’ 8-week program trains individuals in the Greater Rochester community on the basics of a union construction career. In addition, TRACS provides participates with certifications and resources they need to be preferred candidates of union contractors such as OSHA-30, traffic control training, scaffold training, first-aid and CPR training, as well as laptops and a stipend of $2,400 paid throughout the course.
TRACS works directly with the Rochester Building Trades Council to support Rochester’s need for a growing workforce, ensuring participants are exposed to union trades and are aware of the post-graduation opportunities.
Rochester Careers in Construction, Inc., President and CEO, Joseph Morelle Jr. – “The Rochester community has an unprecedented amount of construction and filling the demand with well-trained tradespeople has been the priority of all organized unions in our area. TRACS is meeting the need by providing participants with the basic skills needed to enter a union apprenticeship program. TRACS has already put people to work, many of whom were unemployed before TRACS. We are meeting the needs of the industry; we are changing the lives of individuals, and we are building the future of Monroe County. Thanks to COMIDA’s financial support, we will be able to train more people especially those who have not been historically part of the construction trades. We thank County Executive Bello for his commitment to training new workers in the construction industry and for being a champion of the union labor force in this community who provide great wages and benefits. Thank you also to the COMIDA board and Director Liss for the commitment in funds to help TRACS grow.”
Monroe County Executive, Adam Bello – “The demand for construction workers in Monroe County has never been higher. The TRACS program will help prepare people for careers in the union building trades, jobs that offer good wages and opportunities for advancement," said County Executive Adam Bello. "I'm thankful to the COMIDA Board for committing funds to this program as well as UNiCON and all of our partners in the Rochester Building and Construction Trades Council for their commitment to training the next generation of our workforce.”
TradesFutures, Executive Director, Nicole Schwartz – “We are so excited that TRACS has received funding to continue the excellent work they are doing in providing career seekers with the skills necessary to excel as an apprentice in the unionized construction industry. The continued funding committed by COMIDA will help support family sustaining jobs in the Rochester area and help meet the unprecedented demand for skilled trades professionals in Rochester. We applaud the collaborative efforts of Monroe County, TRACS, and Urban League of Rochester and look forward to the next three years.”
Urban League of Rochester, President & CEO, Seanelle Hawkins - "The Urban League of Rochester is a proud partner and supporter of both Rochester Careers in Construction, Inc., and the TRACS program. We understand the need to provide underserved and underrepresented individuals with entry level job skills and exposure to the skilled trades, so they can successfully enter the workforce and begin the accumulation of intergenerational wealth for them and their families. The TRACS program will continue to provide individuals within our community with the opportunity to develop in demand skills and certifications leading to a career in the union building trades.”