April 11th, 2024

he Monroe County STOP-DWI Program and Monroe County Traffic Safety Board will co-host an annual Traffic Safety Awards Luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. today, April 11, 2024, at Shadow Lake Golf Club, 1850 Five Mile Line Road, Penfield to recognize local partners for the life-saving work they perform every day. The awards luncheon will start with a keynote speech by County Executive Adam Bello and a presentation by Traffic Safety teams on program offerings and partnerships that help build awareness in the community. Awards and certificates will be presented to over 40 recipients chosen for their standout commitment to keeping roadways safe.
“Last year alone, our STOP-DWI program led to more than 1,000 DWI arrests,” said County Executive Bello. “That’s more than 1,000 instances where the unthinkable may have been prevented by our brave police officers and sheriff’s deputies. But keeping our roadways safer isn’t only about enforcement: it takes collaborative effort from local organizations and community members who volunteer to teach people about the dangers of impaired driving, the lives that impaired driving destroys and the importance of choosing not to get behind the wheel when you’ve had too much. Thank you to all the law enforcement partners and members of our Traffic Safety Board and community who coordinate their efforts to help keep our roadways safer for everyone.”
The annual appreciation luncheon is held to show Monroe County residents that we are committed to supporting invaluable efforts in traffic safety, while emphasizing the impacts of these crimes that devastate so many local families each year.
“With the landscape of traffic safety work changing so drastically, we are excited to highlight those who go above and beyond, despite added challenges.” said STOP-DWI Coordinator Lindsay Tomidy. “Our awards selection committee has the privilege of reading so many great nominations and we’re excited to share this work for added motivation to those in attendance and our community. Enforcement is just one piece of the puzzle in making our roads safer and as a community we can all do our part!”
Three police agencies will receive awards for highest increase in impaired driving enforcement. Individual awards from the Traffic Safety Board and STOP-DWI highlight an expansion on enforcement with an added emphasis on education, training, leadership, innovative ideas, community service, and a well-rounded commitment to traffic safety.
To learn more about Monroe County’s Traffic Safety and STOP-DWI programs, please visit: https://www.monroecounty.gov/ts.