October 6th, 2023

Seneca Park Zoo’s giraffe tower grows with the addition of a new male from The Wilds Safari Park at Columbus Zoo.
Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and the Seneca Park Zoo today announced the zoo has added a two‐year‐old male giraffe, known as JD, to its giraffe tower. JD was transferred to the Zoo based on a recommendation from the Association of Zoos and Aquariums. All breeding and transfer planning in AZA‐accredited zoos is guided by a Species Survival Plan, a program designed to increase the genetic diversity of endangered species in professional care.
“A hearty welcome to JD, the newest addition to the Seneca Park Zoo family,” said County Executive Bello. “With his arrival, we continue to celebrate the incredible diversity of wildlife on our planet and reaffirm the zoo’s commitment to conservation and education. We look forward to watching JD grow and thrive in his new home.”
JD arrived from The Wilds Safari Park on Wednesday, October 4th and the Animals of the Savanna barn has been closed to allow the new giraffe to acclimate after arrival. Guests are invited to come meet JD starting Saturday, October 7th.
“The Masai giraffe are among our guests’ most beloved species at Seneca Park Zoo. Our giraffe tower serves as ambassadors to their counterparts in Africa. It is our hope that guests are inspired to help us in our conservation efforts with giraffe living in the savannas of Africa,” says Steve Lacy, Superintendent of Seneca Park Zoo. “Many people are not aware that Masai giraffe are endangered. Their numbers have plummeted nearly 50% in the last 30 years. Seneca Park Zoo is a program partner for the AZA’s Giraffe SAFE (Saving Animals from Extinction) program supporting natural range, or in‐situ, conservation of giraffes. JD will be a great ambassador for Masai giraffes and will help support conservation of giraffes in Africa.”
AZA SAFE focuses the collective expertise within AZA‐accredited zoos and aquariums and leverages their massive audiences to save species. According to IUCN, giraffe are endangered to critically endangered. The SAFE giraffe’s goal is to support giraffe conservation through field conservation, programming, and by engaging the worldwide zoo community. To date, Seneca Park Zoo has made grants totaling more than $20,000 to giraffe field conservation projects. By visiting Seneca Park Zoo, our guests support saving animals from extinction.
Internationally, and in our own backyard, Seneca Park Zoo plays a key role in species survival. Chartered as an educational institution in 1957 by New York State, the Seneca Park Zoo Society plays an integral role in supporting Monroe County, the owners and operators of the Zoo. Together, we are working to bring animals back from the brink of extinction.