July 31st, 2023

Nearly $900,000 available for mid-sized arts organizations, an 80% increase from last year; eligibility expands to include both smaller and larger organizations.
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Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today announced the launch of an online grant application for mid-sized arts organizations seeking funding for 2023 operating expenditures. Applications open on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 and must be submitted by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, September 5, 2023. Applications and FAQs are available at www.monroecounty.gov/artsgrant.
“Monroe County continues to increase investments in our creative economy. When I first took office, Monroe County allocated only $45,000 to mid-sized arts organizations. This year, we are investing a combined $1.2 million in community festival funding and mid-size arts funding,” said County Executive Adam Bello. “This unprecedented investments help stabilize organizations, and impact the quality of life of our residents by ensuring that we remain a community of the arts.”
Qualifying organizations will receive funding to offset operating expenses, organizational funding will be dependent on a number of factors including number of eligible applicants, evaluation of responses, and funds available. Applicants must meet the following requirements:
The organization must have a significant presence in Monroe County – conducting at least 50% of its operations in Monroe County and maintaining a physical location in the county;
The organization must have been legally recognized for at least one year as a 501(c)3
organization or LLC with a tax filing;
The organization’s primary mission must be directly related to arts and culture;
- The organization’s annual operating budget (operating expenses) must be between $50,000 and
$4,000,000; please note this expands eligibility for both smaller and larger organizations from previous years where eligible organizations were required to have operating expenses between $100,000 and $1,500,000.
Monroe County will offer a virtual training session with a question and answer session for arts and cultural organizations interested in learning more about how to apply for funding. This session will take place at 6 p.m. Monday, August 7. To register, visit http://bit.ly/3Orr4Yp or https://www.monroecounty.gov/executive-arts-grant. After the training session, a video will be posted online at www.monroecounty.gov/artsgrant for individuals to review who were not able to attend.