July 21st, 2023

Critical infrastructure improvements will help eliminate barriers to healthcare for underrepresented communities
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Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today joined Congressman Joe Morelle and members of the County Legislature to announce the St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center on South Avenue will receive a $2.7 million to make infrastructure improvements and purchase a van to provide mobile health and services delivery. The funding is part of the County Executive’s Bring Monroe Back initiative to invest federal American Rescue Plan Act dollars received by the county in transformative projects that address critical community needs.
“St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center has served thousands of uninsured and underserved people in our community for 30 years. This project is transformational as it not only makes their services more accessible, but adds a mobile unit that will help staff and volunteers to connect with people where they are to meet their needs,” said County Executive Bello. “Thank you to the Monroe County Legislature for approving this grant and Senator Gillibrand, Senator Schumer and Congressman Morelle for securing the American Rescue Plan Act funds to make this happen.”
The infrastructure improvements at St. Joseph’s include repairing a 30-year-old roof, fixing water damage, replacing a lift apparatus to make the second floor accessible, and providing upgrades to computers and teleconferencing equipment to better serve patients.
The center will also invest in a new van to provide healthcare access directly to communities. The retrofitted vehicle will be used to conduct outreach and engagement in areas with the highest rates of poverty, health disparities, poor access to mental health services, and the highest rates of crime and violence.
“For 30 years, St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center has been dedicated to providing care for the most vulnerable in our community and addressing the many social factors that contribute to a person’s wellbeing—including access to healthy meals, stable housing, mental health, and more,” said Congressman Joe Morelle. “I’m proud to have secured this federal funding to ensure St. Joseph’s can make necessary infrastructure upgrades and continue supporting our neighborhoods for years to come. I’m grateful to County Executive Bello for his leadership, vision, and commitment to utilizing ARPA funding to make direct investments in the future of our community.”
“St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center is a cornerstone in the community, where for years they have adopted a comprehensive approach to advancing the health and wellbeing of underserved Monroe County residents,” said U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer. “As lead negotiator of the American Rescue Plan Act, I’m proud to have helped secure the funding to make this opportunity possible, and I applaud County Executive Bello and St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center for using these funds to prioritize the needs of our community’s most vulnerable.”
“Dedicated and compassionate staff and volunteers have made St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center a critical part the Greater Rochester community. For 30 years St. Joseph’s has provided care and wraparound services to low-income and disadvantaged residents of the region,” said U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. “With the support of County Executive Bello and the Monroe County Legislature, this investment in infrastructure upgrades will ensure this work can continue. I’m proud to have fought for this funding through the American Rescue Plan and remain committed to ensuring that no one goes without access to health care.”
“St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center assists so many people who would have nowhere else to turn. Providing infrastructure improvements that help places like St. Joseph’s, are much-needed and long overdue. I am honored to stand with my colleagues in County government to support Congressman Morelle’s efforts to secure funding for our local residents and institutions. When our leaders come together, our community wins,” said Monroe County Legislature Minority Leader Yversha Roman.
St. Joseph's Neighborhood Center provides person-centered comprehensive primary and specialty care, mental health counseling, support services and referrals, healthcare access assistance, and more to individuals and families who are uninsured and underinsured in the greater Rochester area.
Established in 1993 as a ministry of the Sisters of St. Joseph, the Center is committed to raising the health status and quality of life of individuals and families. The Center has a staff of roughly 20, but is bolstered by a robust volunteer corps, with more than 250 volunteers regularly lending their time and talent to serve patients and clients. The Center has served roughly 37,000 patients at more than 226,000 provider visits in its 30-year history.
“ARPA funds will help St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center to continue to provide critical patient-centered care for the uninsured and underinsured individuals in our community. This grant will be transformational and provide for much-needed infrastructure upgrades such as a new roof, elevator, and computers, as well as, provide a means to meet patients where they work, live, and play via the proposed Mobile Healthcare Unit,” said Jennifer Sahrle, Executive Director of St. Joseph’s Neighborhood Center. “These funds are crucial as we look forward to our next 30 years of serving those who lack access to quality, affordable, and affirming health care, mental health counseling, and other supportive services.”
Infrastructure work at the St. Joseph's Neighborhood Center will begin this year and will be completed by 2026.
About the Bring Monroe Back ARPA initiative:
Under County Executive Bello’s Bring Monroe Back recovery initiative, the Department of Planning conducted a community-wide survey, held numerous public meetings and heard testimony from community organizations to determine community funding priorities. Selected programs align with one or more of County Executive Bello’s four pillars for Monroe County’s future: Public Health and Wellness, Public Safety, Economic and Workforce Development, and Infrastructure.