May 4th, 2023

For the second year in a row, a Monroe County business person has this received this statewide recognition
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Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and Congressman Joe Morelle today announced the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) named Josh Schmieder, owner of JOSH Landscaping in Honeoye Falls as the Western New York and New York State Small Business Person of the Year. The announcement came as part of National Small Business Week.
“From an ambitious 10-year-old who mowed lawns to save money for an ATV, to a man who is now a Top 100 Rochester business owner, Josh Schmieder is the embodiment of the American Dream,” said County Executive Bello. “Small business owners like Josh are an inspiration and the foundation of our economy and our community. I congratulate him for achieving the distinction of being honored as the U.S. Small Business Administration’s New York State Small Business Person of the Year.”
The State Small Business Persons of the Year award is presented annually to a winner from each of the nation’s 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and Guam who demonstrate success in business as well as contributions to their local communities. State winners were recognized on April 30 and May 1 during the National Small Business Week awards ceremony in Washington, D.C.
Josh Schmieder is the second Monroe County businessperson in a row to win this distinct national recognition. With assistance from Monroe County Economic Development, Josh Landscape was able to secure a SBA 504 loan to purchase its current headquarters on West Main Street in Honeoye Falls – a key catalyst in the company’s continuing expansion.
“As we celebrate Small Business Week, I’m pleased the SBA has chosen to recognize a Rochester area small business as best in New York for the second year in a row,” said Congressman Joe Morelle. “Congratulations to JOSH Landscape Company on this well- deserved achievement. Thank you for your work creating local employment opportunities and beautiful surroundings for Rochester.”
“We are very proud to have the New York State Small Business Person of the Year right here in our own back yard. Its incredible entrepreneurs like Joshua Schmieder that have given their all to achieve their American dream — to own and build a strong, resilient business; create jobs; increase competition and innovation and power America’s historic economic recovery,” said SBA Buffalo Deputy Director Victoria Reynolds.
Earlier this week, County Executive Bello presented a proclamation claiming April 30 – May 6 as Small Business Week in Monroe County.
Through Monroe County Economic Development, Monroe County offers numerous programs specifically designed to help local startups and small businesses succeed, including procurement technical assistance, rebates for qualified manufacturing equipment purchases, SBA 504 assistance and gap loan financing. Through the Monroe County Apex Accelerator, small businesses interested in selling to local, state federal governments and the military are provided one-on-one counseling, training and networking. For more information, visit: