May 1st, 2023

New memorial garden near Webster campground memorializes longtime campground manager Delores “Dee” Lanzalaco
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Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today announced the campground at Webster Park is open for the season. Families can view prices for tent, RV, mobile home and trailer sites and make reservations at or call (585) 753-7275.
“Camping is the perfect outdoor summer activity to spend with family and friends while connecting with nature,” said County Executive Bello. “I encourage everyone to take advantage of the beautiful campgrounds located in Webster Park this summer.”
A new garden located across from the Webster Campground Office is dedicated to the memory of former Webster Park campground manager Delores “Dee” Lanzalaco, a 32-year Monroe County Parks employee who passed away in 2022. The 15-foot by 15-foot garden is filled with several varieties of flowers including lilacs, spirea and potentilla as well as a memorial bench and plaque to cement Dee’s legacy of public service to our parks and community.
County Executive Bello declared today, May 1, 2023 as “Dee Lanzalaco Day.”
“Dee Lanzalaco touched the lives of many families in Monroe County with her love for children, her love for Monroe County Parks and her love of nature,” said Bello. “This new garden at Webster Park honors Dee’s legacy and the more than three decades she dedicated to caring for our campground. May 1, 2023 will now and forever be Dee Lanzalaco Day in Monroe County.”
For more information on camping in Monroe County parks, go to camping. Youth organizations may make camping area reservations at Greece Canal, Mendon Ponds, Northampton or Webster parks can be made by calling (585) 872-5326.