March 1st, 2023

Residents and stakeholders are invited to learn more and share input at a pair of online workshops on March 15
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Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today announced Phase II of the county’s Climate Action Plan kicks off on March 15 with online public workshops at noon and 6 p.m. Registration information is available below.
“This is a critical opportunity for residents to get involved and help shape the future of our community,” said Monroe County Executive Adam Bello. “Our community has already made great progress in reducing our carbon footprint and becoming more sustainable, but there is still much more work to be done. I urge everyone to join us in this important effort. Together we can create a healthier, more resilient community for generations to come.”
In March 2020, the Monroe County Legislature authorized the creation of a Climate Action Plan Advisory Committee to develop a Climate Action Plan for the county. A Climate Action Plan is a comprehensive, strategic effort to address and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the atmosphere and related environmental and climactic effects associated with rising greenhouse gases.
Under Phase I of the plan, completed in September 2022, the committee measured GHG emissions from county-run sites, facilities and operations. Working with consultants from Bergmann, the committee then identified reduction goals, reviewed best management practices and case studies and recommended actions needed to meet the county’s 80% GHG reduction goal by 2050.
“Monroe County is taking bold steps toward creating a healthier, more equitable and more resilient community” said County Legislator Michael Yudelson, co-chair of the Climate Action Plan Advisory Committee. “I am grateful to the members of the county’s Climate Action Plan Advisory Committee and everyone else who helped us create our Phase I plan. As we move into developing the Phase II plan, I encourage all residents interested in having a hand in outlining Monroe County’s greener future to participate in these upcoming workshops.”
Phase II will focus on community-wide GHG emissions including residential, commercial, industrial, municipal and all other energy dependent activities that take place within Monroe County. The aim of Phase II is to:
Develop a comprehensive county-wide GHG inventory and baseline
Identify GHG reduction goals
Identify community partners
Conduct a comprehensive review of best management practices and case studies
Identify and analyze strategies, actions and priorities
Create actionable strategies
Identify future climate action policies
The March 15 workshops are an opportunity for county residents, business and property owners, community leaders, community organizations and other stakeholders to meet the Climate Action Plan steering committee and consultant team, learn about Phase I and hear more specifics about Phase II. Attendees will be able to ask questions and provide comments.
Meeting Registration Information – registration
For those unable to attend, the workshops will be recorded and posted online at
Additional public input opportunities will be offered in coming weeks.
It is anticipated that Phase II recommendations will be completed by the end of the year.