November 22nd, 2022

The County Executive signed a referral allowing him to execute a contract to provide $5 million in ARPA funds to Finger Lakes Performing Provider System (FLPPS) to provide incentives for nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities to take patients who no longer need to be hospitalized, but may still require complex care.
Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today signed a referral allowing him to execute a contract with the Finger Lakes Performing Provider System (FLPPS) that would help alleviate a backlog of hospital patients who no longer need acute care but cannot find appropriate placements in area nursing homes. Monroe County is seeking to provide up to $5 million in federal American Rescue Act funds to FLPPS for a “Complex Care Program” that would provide incentive payments to local nursing homes that take these patients. The funds could be used by the nursing homes to increase staffing, implement training programs or otherwise secure the resources necessary to care for patients with complex medical needs.
“Our local hospitals are currently caring for hundreds of patients who don’t need the acute care setting of a hospital but may require complex care provided by a skilled nursing facility or nursing home,” said County Executive Bello. “Unfortunately, staffing and other resource shortages at skilled nursing facilities make it challenging for these facilities to take on these patients, creating a difficult situation both for the patients who are medically ready to be discharged and for hospitals, which continue to stretch their capacities to admit new patients who require acute care. This grant incentive funding can help our struggling health care providers begin to accept additional complex care patients, relieving strain on our local healthcare system and ensuring that people who do require an alternative level of care can receive appropriate treatment.”
The Monroe County Legislature passed the referral authorizing the County Executive to execute a contract with FLPPS during its meeting on November 15.