November 15th, 2022

The “Monroe County Recycling” skill answers questions about curbside recycling and is available on all Amazon smart devices, Apple and Android phones
View Monroe County Recycling Center Video
Need to know what items are recyclable curbside in Monroe County? Want to know what items are accepted at the Monroe County/Waste Management ecopark?
There’s an app for that.
County Executive Adam Bello today announced Monroe County is the first in New York and among few municipalities nation-wide to launch an Alexa Skill that answers frequently asked questions regarding recycling. The skill was created in partnership with Pittsford-based company iCitizen.
The Monroe County Recycling skill can be enabled via the Alexa Skill Store by using an Amazon smart device or by downloading the Alexa app on an Apple or Android smart phone. To enable the skill, residents can say “Hey Alexa, open Monroe County Recycling.” When Alexa responds with “Welcome to Monroe County Recycling,” the skill is ready to answer questions such as:
“Alexa, can I recycle electronics?” “Alexa, can I bring tires to the ecopark?” “Alexa, how do I recycle paint?” “Alexa, when is ecopark open?” and so on.
“Knowledge of what is recyclable and what isn’t is key to better health of our environment and public health as a whole,” said County Executive Bello. “This app is a testament to our Department of Environmental Services team and their forward-thinking model to increase recycling awareness and help us all Recycle Right.”
November 15th is America Recycles Day, the only nationally recognized day dedicated to promoting and celebrating recycling in the United States. To mark the occasion, County Executive Bello recognized the 30th anniversary of the Monroe County Recycling Advisory Committee, which includes representatives from municipalities, community organizations and businesses who advise and assist the county’s Solid Waste team to improve and enhance the county’s recycling efforts.
In August, Monroe County became among the first in the country to launch a municipal vape disposal program. Approximately 40 pounds of vapes in Monroe County have been disposed safely since the program started.
For that program, as well as the county’s ongoing solid waste management and education initiatives, county Department of Environmental Services Director Michael Garland will be honored Nov. 16 with the state Association for Reduce, Reuse and Recycling’s Public Sector Recycling Leadership Award.
The Monroe County/Waste Management ecopark is open from 1 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays and 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays. For more information, visit or ask Alexa.
The Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester International Airport and Monroe County Office Building will be lit green tonight in honor of America Recycles Day.