October 27th, 2022

$3.6 Million will support services for survivors of domestic violence
Monroe County Executive Adam Bello joined members of Willow Domestic Violence Center and Providence Housing Development Corporation to announce a $3.6 million proposal to provide enhanced services for survivors of domestic violence. These projects are among nearly 40 initiatives selected as part of Bring Monroe Back, Monroe County’s plan to invest federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds and address critical community needs. Through the efforts of Congressman Joseph D. Morelle and Senators Charles Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, Monroe County received $144,080,127 in ARPA funding.
“Everyone deserves the right to feel safe in their community and their home, the wrap around support services we are proposing ensure survivors of domestic violence have access to the resources they need,” said County Executive Bello. “There is a growing need for comprehensive and supportive programs for survivors of domestic violence, and the partnership between Willow Domestic Violence Center and Providence Housing Development Corporation embrace language access and equity for our Deaf residents by providing safe havens.”
Pending legislative approval, Willow will receive $1,522,097 for a Multi-Disciplinary Family Justice Center. The center would provide wraparound services for domestic violence survivors in a safe, caring environment, while also providing access to key community agencies, social service providers, and legal assistance. Each year, Willow provides free, confidential services including emergency shelter, support groups, education and services for children of survivors to more than 7,000 individuals.
Providence Housing Development Corporation would receive $2,087,905 to support the “Door of Hope” rapid rehousing program. This program serves both hearing and Deaf individuals and families where the head of household is fleeing domestic violence or human trafficking. The program would provide up to one year of rental assistance and two years of support services with a full time family life coach. Participants would receive additional support including: transportation subsides, apartment application fees, childcare, utilities, trade education, identification and birth certificates for household members, home security and furniture.
“As a community, we must work together to ensure survivors of domestic violence have the support and resources they need to thrive,” said Congressman Joe Morelle. “I’m proud to have delivered this funding for Willow Domestic Violence Center and Providence Housing Development Corporation to better serve individuals and families—particularly our Deaf and Hard of Hearing community who may struggle to utilize services. I’m grateful to County Executive Bello for his partnership and dedication to uplifting those most in need in our community.”
Senator Schumer said, “When I secured funding for local governments in the American Rescue Plan, it was because I knew counties like Monroe would prioritize members of the community most in need. I’m proud that both Willow Domestic Violence Center and Providence Housing will be receiving funds to support survivors of domestic violence, both hearing and Deaf, to ensure they have the housing and resources needed to guarantee their safety.”
“The creation of a Family Justice Center brings together many incredible partners to meet the immediate healing and safety needs of survivors,” said Willow President & CEO Meaghan de Chateauvieux. “From legal and court, healthcare and counseling to financial services and housing – all of these services would be offered in one collaborative approach. We know domestic violence is a public health epidemic. Domestic violence impacts public safety. Domestic violence is at the heart of so many issues. It touches all of us. So together, with Providence Housing, Monroe County, and our community partners, we will build new and exciting connections and bring our community together in new ways for survivors.”
“The American Rescue Plan Act funding, and our collaboration with Willow Domestic Violence Center and Monroe County, will allow the Providence Housing Door of Hope program to continue to strengthen individuals, families, and communities by providing access to affordable housing and supportive services for hearing and Deaf persons fleeing domestic violence or human trafficking.” said Executive Director of Providence Housing Development Corporation Mark Greisberger.
About the Bring Monroe Back ARPA initiative:
Under County Executive Bello’s Bring Monroe Back recovery initiative, the Department of Planning conducted a community wide survey, held numerous public meetings and heard testimony from community organizations to determine community funding priorities. The plan is now before the Monroe County Legislature for consideration and approval. Selected programs align with one or more of County Executive Bello’s four pillars for Monroe County’s future: Public Health and Wellness, Public Safety, Economic and Workforce Development, and Infrastructure.
Pending approval by the County Legislature, Monroe County will enter into a contract with Willow Domestic Violence Center and Providence Housing Development Corporation that will commence on or about Jan. 1, 2023.