August 12th, 2022

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today announced the installation of a 305-foot, ADA compliant access mat at Ontario Beach Park that will allow people with mobility issues to access the beachfront.
“Beach goers with mobility challenges, such as a walker or wheelchair — and families with strollers or wagons shouldn’t have to struggle across sand to have access to our beautiful waterfront,” said County Executive Bello. “This is the latest investment in our parks systems through our Go Outside Monroe initiative, which is strengthening our entire parks system for future generations. Thank you to our dedicated Parks Department staff as they make our entire parks more accessible.”
The 305-foot long, rolled reinforced mat can handle wheelchairs, walkers, strollers and wagons. The mat is located immediately east of the Roger Robach Community Center, where existing sidewalks and ramps allow for ADA accessibility.
Ontario Beach Park is located on the shore of Lake Ontario in the northernmost section of the City of
Rochester near the Irondequoit border. The park is open daily from 7 a.m. – 11 p.m. For more
information, visit