June 21st, 2022

What makes Monroe County a great place to live? What kinds of businesses, services, opportunities and infrastructure would you like to see more of here? How do you get around the County? Do you have adequate facilities for walking, biking, public transit, or moving about the County? Will your children want to live here? What should Monroe County look like and how should people get around for future generations?
Active Transportation Plan Website
Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today announced the Department of Planning and Development is hosting a joint public workshop for both the Plan Forward Comprehensive Plan and the Countywide Active Transportation Plan from 3 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at Highland Park Olmsted Lodge, 171 Reservoir Ave, Rochester, NY 14620.
“I encourage all residents to come share ideas at this public workshop and help us design a sustainable, equitable, healthy future for Monroe County,” said County Executive Bello. “Your voice matters. With your help, we can also build an Active Transportation Plan that reflects the needs of our neighborhoods and make Monroe County’s infrastructure better, safer and more accessible for everyone”
Project Team Members will be available throughout the workshop to share project information, answer questions, and collect input. Drop-ins are encouraged.
Attendees can review and comment on draft county goals related to the environment, economy, workforce development, community health, culture, transportation, and infrastructure.
“Plan Forward will set the direction for Monroe County’s future, and we cannot carve a path forward without community input,” said Project Manager, Jane Nicholson with EDR. “The goals presented to the community in this workshop will provide a basis for balancing future economic, social, physical, environmental, and fiscal interests of the County. We urge all residents to engage in this important process and help shape Monroe County for the next generation to come.”
Additionally, members of the County’s Active Transportation Plan Team will be at the workshop to ask residents to focus on identifying community needs and priorities for moving around Monroe County on bike, foot, wheels or in public transit.
“The people of Monroe County know best where it is safe to walk and bike in their communities, and where improvements are needed,” said Project Manager, Michael Blau with Toole Design. “We need everyone’s help to identify problems and build mobility solutions for all residents.”
Both Plan Forward and the Countywide Active Transportation Plan are collaboration and decision-making tools to help county leaders’ best serve Monroe County and its communities. As the County develops the plan, ongoing public engagement will ensure the strategies are a reflection of county-wide needs and opportunities that will serve as a useful tool for moving forward together. To learn more about these county-wide planning projects visit:
https://www.monroecounty.gov/planforward - Plan Forward, Comprehensive Plan
https://www.monroecountycatp.com/ - Countywide Active Transportation Plan