May 10th, 2022

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today announced the kickoff of Bike Week 2022, which spans two consecutive weekends from May 13 to 22 and offers an array of cycling events for all ages and levels of expertise.
“The best way to celebrate Bike Week is to simply get on a bike: ride to work, ride to the grocery store or library, or just take a leisurely ride and have fun as you explore all the great bike paths, trails and roadways Monroe County has to offer,” said Monroe County Executive Adam Bello.
Bike Week 2022, organized by Reconnect Rochester, celebrates biking in our community and encourages the use of bikes as practical, daily transportation. With many people taking up biking during the pandemic, Bike Week welcomes new riders and demonstrates the great community and infrastructure available to cyclists in Monroe County.
“Rochester Bike Week is a time to welcome in the fair weather riding season and bring people together to celebrate the great biking community we have in Monroe County. We want to inspire all Monroe County residents to discover the joy and freedom, along with the health and financial benefits that come from getting around on a bicycle.” says Reconnect Rochester’s Cycling Manager, Jesse Peers. “We're also celebrating that this year Monroe County is undertaking its first Active Transportation Plan, which will provide a roadmap for future investments in biking and hopefully take us leaps forward in terms of safety and connectivity.”
Scheduled events include:
Friday, May 13, 7:45 p.m.: Light Up the Night Ride, 131 Elmwood Ave. An 11-mile nighttime ride with shorter loops for younger cyclists. All encouraged to light up their bikes with glow sticks and bike lights. Free. No registration required.
Saturday, May 14, 10:00 am: George Eastman Bike Tour, 900 East Ave. Tickets, $25. Registration required.
Sunday, May 15, 10:30 a.m.: Sunday Funday, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park at Manhattan Square, 353 Court Street. Join Bicycle Time! For a leisurely cruise around Rochester. Free. No registration required.
Wednesday, May 18, 7:00 pm: National Ride of Silence (Liberty Pole, Liberty Pole Way). Join Black Girls Do Bike Rochester for a silent procession to honor cyclists killed or injured while riding on public roadways. This 8-mile procession with a police escort aims to raise awareness of motorists, police and government officials that cyclists have a legal right to the roadways. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. Free.
Thursday, May 19, 6:45 pm: Rochester Bicycle Time! (Parcel 5, 285 E. Main Street). RBT meets every Thursday around 6:30 p.m. for a relaxed cruise around the city with an improvised route. Riders of all skill levels welcome. Free.
Friday, May 20, Bike to Work Day. If you’ve never biked to work, today’s the day to try! Reconnect Rochester will have munchies to share and celebrate those who are getting to work on two wheels with a special pit stop at the Union Street cycletrack at East Avenue from 6:30 to 10 a.m.
Saturday, May 21: MVP Rochester Twilight Criterium. For a full schedule of events and activities, visit
Sunday, May 22, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Keeping It Classy Cycling Club Flower Pedal Populaire at the roundhouse shelter in Genesee Valley Park. Free.
For details and registration information for individual events, visit: