May 2nd, 2022

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and the Seneca Park Zoo today announced that Iggy, one of Seneca Park Zoo’s female Masai giraffes, gave birth to her first calf on Friday, April 29, 2022. This is the first Masai giraffe born at Seneca Park Zoo.
“I congratulate Iggy on the birth of her calf, and I commend the staff at Seneca Park Zoo for ensuring Iggy and her calf will receive outstanding medical care in the next few, critical days,” said Monroe County Executive Adam Bello. “So far, the calf is nursing and appears to be healthy, but we do know that the first days of life are critical for baby giraffes. Zoo staff will be monitoring baby and mom 24/7 and the zoo’s Animals of the Savanna building will remain closed for the next few days to ensure they’re not disturbed.”
Seneca Park Zoo Director Steve Lacy adds, “This particular giraffe pair, Iggy and Parker, are so important to not only Seneca Park Zoo, but to all AZA-accredited zoos due to their genetic diversity.”
“We will continue to monitor mom and baby around the clock.” says General Curator David Hamilton. “Giraffe births are always high risk, so the next few days are very important to ensure both mom and baby are healthy.”
“I know this is a day our Keepers, Curators and support team have been waiting on for many months now and have worked hard to make this event a success,” said Monroe County Parks Director Patrick Meredith. “We know these next few days and weeks are critical in the success of the birth and they have been preparing for this for some time now. Congratulations to them and also to the new giraffe parents! We all wish them well and hope that parenting for the giraffe comes natural to them.”
The Animals of the Savanna building will be closed for just a few days so that Iggy and her calf may continue to bond. Zoo Staff will be available for media requests early next week. Monroe County and the Seneca Park Zoo will continue to provide additional updates on the health of the new giraffe as they are available.