April 4th, 2022

Monroe County Executive Adam J. Bello today joined Mayor Malik D. Evans to proclaim April 3 – 9 as National Library Week at the Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County Downtown.
This year’s National Library Week theme is “Connect with Your Library,” which promotes the idea that libraries are not just for books: they are places to get connected to technology by using broadband, computers and other resources. Libraries also offer opportunities to connect with media, programs, ideas, classes, and they connect communities to each other.
“Monroe County has an extensive library system throughout our towns, villages, and the City of Rochester,” said County Executive Bello. “Each library has its own unique character, programs and services that support the needs of those who use it. I encourage our residents of all ages to take this week to rediscover their local library or visit one of the 32 active libraries across Monroe County.”
“There was a time when access to the knowledge contained in libraries was limited to the wealthy and the upper class, who understood that knowledge is power,” said Mayor Evans. “Libraries remain a source of power, but today, they’re accessible to all. We have unlimited knowledge at our fingertips sitting in our pockets; but the human experiences we gain by coming to a library to connect with like and unlike minds, to learn, and to explore cannot be duplicated on a phone.”
To access the many online services and find your local library, visit the Monroe County Library System Website at www.libraryweb.org.
For the full calendar of National Library Week programs in Monroe County, visit https://bit.ly/MCLS_National_Library_Week.