March 3rd, 2023

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Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today announced the acquisition more than 70 acres of new parkland in the Town of Henrietta. The parcel of land includes access to the Lehigh Valley Trail and upon approval of the Monroe County Legislature, will become the 23rd park in the Monroe County Parks System.
“Monroe County’s Parks are second to none – and this acquisition means that our residents and visitors will have even more access to nature and outdoor activities,” said County Executive Bello. “It’s important to protect and preserve these environmentally significant acres. Thank you to Henrietta Town Supervisor Steve Schultz for helping us preserve this parkland and maximizing the potential of this natural resource.”
The parcel of land sits on a block of primarily wooded area surrounded by E. Henrietta Road to the east, Pinnacle Road to the west, Ward Hill Road to the north and Jeffords Road to the south.
“For the first time in roughly five decades, we will be adding a new major park to the Monroe County Park system as the Town transfers more than 70-acres of land from two recent developments in the southeast portion of Town. This will create a park that straddles the Lehigh Valley Trail providing additional access and hiking possibilities,” said Henrietta Town Supervisor Steve Schultz. “Current discussions are to start a master planning process this year for what the park will look like. Feedback from residents in the area will be solicited, and feedback already provided as part of the SEQR process when the conservation clusters were first created, will also be taken into consideration.”
The future park is heavily forested, contains some low-lying wetland and marsh areas, and has an existing network of established trails.
“Our department is eager to add this acreage to the park system, providing additional passive recreational opportunities to a whole new constituency,” said Patrick Meredith, director of Monroe County Parks. “With its rolling contours, the heavily forested property provides a convenient location adjacent to the already popular Lehigh Valley Trail, where users can immerse themselves in nature.”
Once the Town of Henrietta completes the Environmental Quality Review and formally subdivides the property, the County and the Town will proceed with the transaction formally signing over the County’s 23rd Park.
“The residents of Henrietta are getting a beautiful new park where they can enjoy the beauty of nature untouched,” said County Legislator Michael Yudelson. “This new parkland preserves an important piece of Henrietta’s history, with its linkages to the Lehigh Valley Trail. I thank County Executive Bello and Supervisor Schultz for working together to establish this new Monroe County park in Henrietta.”