February 16th, 2022

A Virtual Plan Forward Public Workshop will be held March 1 to elicit public input on the Plan Forward comprehensive plan initiative — the county’s first comprehensive plan update in more than 40 years.
What makes Monroe County a great place to live? What kinds of businesses, services, opportunities and infrastructure would you like to see more of here? Will your children want to live here? What should Monroe County look like for future generations?
These are among the questions Monroe County Executive Adam Bello invites the community to consider during upcoming Plan Forward comprehensive plan community workshops. Gathering public input is the first phase of the Plan Forward initiative, which will create the first Comprehensive Plan developed for Monroe County in more than four decades. The Department of Planning and Development is hosting a Virtual Public Workshop from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 1 via Zoom. Additional in-person workshop dates will be announced soon.
“We can’t move forward today on a comprehensive plan that was written before people had home computers,” said County Executive Bello. “As we look to Bring Monroe Back and rebound from the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the perfect time to join together, to Plan Forward and envision what our collective future should look like. Plan Forward will be a road map we can use to guide policy and decision-making to address local challenges like accessibility, economic development, recreation, food accessibility and transportation while also steering our approach to big, global concepts like sustainability, social equity, energy supply and conservation and climate change adaption.”
During the workshop, interested residents will be asked to explore what’s working in Monroe County, what’s not, and how the County may leverage its resources to move the community forward together. Residents will be encouraged to participate in specific topic-related conversations about public health and safety, parks and infrastructure, economic and workforce development, resilient communities, and farmland and food.
Register here: www.monroecounty.gov/planforward-register