February 3rd, 2022

What will Monroe County look like for future generations? Will your children want to live here? Will there be job opportunities and an equitable future for your children?
These are among the questions Monroe County Executive Adam Bello is seeking community input on as Monroe County develops its first comprehensive plan in decades. Monroe County is hosting a Plan Forward comprehensive plan public input session during the City of Rochester’s 36th Annual Lakeside Winter Celebration on Feb. 5 at Ontario Beach Park.
“It’s been four decades since Monroe County last developed a comprehensive plan, and that changes now,” said Monroe County Executive Adam Bello. “As we rebound and Bring Monroe Back from the hardships of COVID-19 using $144 million in federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars, now is the perfect time to Plan Forward, and create the Monroe County we want our future generations to enjoy.”
A team from the county’s Department of Planning and Development will be at the tent near the Roger Robach Community Center from noon to 4 p.m. to give interested residents information about Plan Forward, and hear their thoughts about Monroe County’s greatest assets and challenges.
Plan Forward addresses global concepts like sustainability, social equity, energy supply & conservation, and climate change adaptation in ways that are appropriate and unique to Monroe County — while at the same time addressing local challenges like accessibility, economic development, recreation, food accessibility, and transportation. For more, visit www.monroecounty.gov/planforward