December 28th, 2021

Monroe County residents can now recycle their Christmas trees free of charge at various businesses and municipalities throughout the County.
All bags, decorations, wires and nails need to be removed to avoid equipment damage during the tree grinding process. Some municipalities offer give back programs for wood chips. Residents are advised to check with their municipality and bring their own containers for transport.
Proper disposal of Christmas trees is environmentally sound as it saves valuable landfill space and they are returned to the environment as wood chips and landscape mulch.
Many municipalities pick up trees left at the curb or host a drop-off location. A full list of disposal sites, scheduled pick-ups, and hours of operation for facilities in Monroe County’s 19 towns and 10 villages can be found at:
City of Rochester residents are advised to place trees at the curb on their scheduled pick-up day. Trees may also be transported to a designated drop-off site in the City as listed in the link above.
The Monroe County/Waste Management ecopark is a drop-off site for trees, as well as holiday lights, electronics, cardboard and many other materials. The ecopark is located at 10 Avion Drive in the Town of Chili and is open Wednesdays from 1 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 7:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.
The Monroe County/Waste Management ecopark will be closed on Saturday, January 1, 2022 for the New Year’s holiday.
Visit for more information.