October 6th, 2021

Vaccinations will be available by appointment between 1 and 4 p.m.
Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today announced that free COVID-19 booster vaccinations for eligible residents will be available by appointment from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at the Edgerton R-Center, 41 Backus Street, Rochester beginning Oct. 10.
Additionally, Monroe County is continuing to offer COVID-19 booster shots by appointment at the Fleet Center clinic, 145 Paul Road, Chili, and at Monroe Community College’s downtown campus, 321 State Street, Rochester, with limited booster appointments available at other community based vaccine clinics.
Appointments are strongly recommended to ensure booster vaccine availability, however walk-ins for boosters at all county-run locations will be accommodated if supply allows. Booster shots are available for individuals age 65 and older, or people age 18 and older with preexisting conditions and for those who work or live in high-risk environments.
More details and an appointment schedule is available at www.monroecounty.gov. Appointments are also available by calling 211.