June 10th, 2021

Clinic is located in low performing zip code in the city of Rochester
Monroe County Executive Adam Bello is pleased to announce that additional Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine has been allocated by New York State for the vaccination clinic this Friday, June 11 at the Greater Harvest Baptist Church, located at 121 Driving Park Avenue, Rochester, NY 14613.
The allocation of additional Johnson & Johnson vaccine will help Monroe County bring more resources to zip codes with the lowest vaccination rates. The 14613 and 14605 zip codes in Monroe County are among two of the bottom-25 lowest vaccination rate zip codes in New York State with a minimum population of 3,000.
“It is critical that we continue to bring vaccination clinics to trusted places near where our residents live, and that we ensure that no community is more vulnerable to COVID-19 than any other,” said County Executive Bello. “In allocating additional doses of the single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, we hope to drastically raise the vaccination rate of the 14613 zip code, and also protect the residents of the City of Rochester and Monroe County. I want to thank New York State for making these additional doses available to our community.”
“On behalf of the residents of the city of Rochester, I want to thank County Executive Adam Bello and New York State for directing resources to our most challenged neighborhoods,” said Rochester Mayor Lovely A. Warren. “The allocation of additional vaccine at the Greater Harvest Baptist Church will help to increase our city’s vaccination rates. I encourage every citizen to get vaccinated so that we can all return to our normal, pre-pandemic lives more quickly.”
The single-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be offered, which is approved for anyone ages 18 and older. COVID-19 vaccines are FREE to everyone regardless of health insurance status. Information on walk-in allowance and appointments can be found online at https://www.monroecounty.gov/health-covid19-vaccine. For more information on additional vaccination opportunities in the Finger Lakes Region, visit the appointment finder on the Finger Lakes Region Vaccination Hub website at https://flvaccinehub.com/getting-your-vaccine/.