April 21st, 2021

Register For Vaccine Appointment
Monroe County Executive Adam Bello and Rochester Red Wings President & CEO Naomi Silver are excited to announce that Frontier Field will host a pop-up COVID-19 vaccine clinic on Saturday, April 24 from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. As an incentive, those who get their vaccine at Frontier Field on Saturday will receive a coupon good for a hot dog when they come to a Red Wings game this season.
“Summer nights at Frontier Field are a Monroe County tradition that residents and families missed out on in 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the Red Wings anticipated return on the horizon, now is the time to get your COVID-19 vaccine and ensure you’re able to catch a game at Frontier Field this season,” said Bello. “Vaccination is key to returning to normalcy and enjoying the things we love most about the summer months in Monroe County. We can all end this together, and it starts with the simple act of getting your COVID-19 vaccine.”
“I want to thank County Executive Bello and his staff for arranging this vaccination clinic to be held at Frontier Field. This is a great service to both our fans and employees who recognize the need for the safety the vaccine provides. Proof of vaccination will be the simplest way to gain access to games and other events at Frontier Field, and the more fans – and others - who are vaccinated, the safer we will all be in our community and beyond,” added Silver. “Please get vaccinated and come to a game! Let’s get our lives back to normal! I’d like to see our community be a leader in the effort to get to herd immunity.”
The COVID-19 vaccine is FREE to anyone, regardless of health insurance or coverage. This clinic will offer first-dose Pfizer vaccine, which is approved for anyone 16 years of age and older. Appointments will be required for this vaccine clinic and can be made on the Monroe County scheduling website, https://www.monroecounty.gov/health-covid19-vaccine, or by calling the Monroe County COVID-19 hotline at (585) 753-5555. Second-dose Pfizer appointments for anyone attending this clinic will be held on Saturday, May 15 at the same time as your first-dose appointment.
The Rochester Red Wings are slated to make their long-awaited return to Frontier Field on May 18, 2021, with an extended home stand until May 30. The Red Wings will then have another extended home stand from June 15 – June 27.
Under New York State COVID-19 guidelines, fans will have to present proof of full COVID-19 vaccination OR a recent negative COVID-19 test in order to attend outdoor professional sporting events, including Rochester Red Wing games at Frontier Field. Anyone vaccinated at through this weekend’s clinic will be eligible to attend games at Frontier Field starting May 29 under the full vaccination guidelines, meaning no COVID-19 test will be required.
For updated information about Monroe County Department of Public Health vaccination efforts, please visit https://www.monroecounty.gov/health-covid19-vaccine. For more information on additional vaccination opportunities in the Finger Lakes Region, visit the appointment finder on the Finger Lakes Region Vaccination Hub website at https://flvaccinehub.com/getting-your-vaccine/.