April 6th, 2021

The Monroe County Department of Public Health is now scheduling COVID-19 vaccination appointments for eligible New York State and Monroe County residents.
While all New York State residents 16 years of age and older are now eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, only the Pfizer vaccine is approved for persons ages 16 and 17.
Monroe County’s allocation for this week includes only the Moderna vaccine, so only residents 18 years of age and older may schedule appointments at the County-operated vaccine clinics.
Appointments can be scheduled on the Monroe County website, www.monroecounty.gov/health-covid19-vaccine, and will take place at the following locations for eligible New York residents:
Monroe County Fleet Center: All Vaccine Eligible Individuals
145 Paul Road, Rochester, NY 14624
Rochester Riverside Convention Center: All Vaccine Eligible Individuals
103 E. Main Street, Rochester, NY 14604
*Validated parking is available in the South Avenue garage for residents attending appointments at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center. Handicap parking is available on Main Street directly in front of the Convention Center.
Wegmans Conference Center: All Vaccine Eligible Individuals age 18 and older
200 Wegmans Market Street, Rochester, NY 14624
For additional guidance and details on eligibility, please visit the eligibility tool at https://am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/.
For updated information about Monroe County Department of Public Health vaccination efforts, please visit https://www.monroecounty.gov/health-covid19-vaccine. For more information on additional vaccination opportunities in the Finger Lakes Region, visit the appointment finder on the Finger Lakes Region Vaccination Hub website at https://flvaccinehub.com/getting-your-vaccine/.