December 18th, 2020

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello has appointed Janson D. McNair as the next Director of the Monroe County Office of Public Integrity. McNair comes to the Office of Public Integrity from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, where he most recently served as Commander of Staff Services, a position he has held since 2018.
“I’m pleased to welcome Janson D. McNair to the Office of Public Integrity and am excited to have someone with his experience and skill in this important role in County government,” said County Executive Bello. “The office serves a key watchdog role and ensures that our county government continues to operate honestly, ethically and in the best interest of the public. I look forward to working with Janson as he takes on this new role in public service.”
McNair joined the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office as a Jail Deputy in 1996 after serving four years in the U.S. Army. Prior to becoming Commander of Staff Services, Mr. McNair held supervisory roles within the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office, including Corporal, Sergeant and then Lieutenant in the Monroe County Jail. As Commander of Staff Services, his responsibilities include background investigation and recruitment, and oversight of Information Technology, Accreditation, Standards and Compliance, Quartermaster, Property Management, Criminal Records and Fleet Maintenance.
“It is my honor to join the Office of Public Integrity, where I can use my skills and experience to serve and protect the interests of this county’s taxpayers and residents,” said McNair. “It’s important that the residents of our community continue to trust our County government. I look forward to taking on the role of ensuring public confidence in government and protecting taxpayer resources.”
The Monroe County Office of Public Integrity identifies and investigates allegations of waste, fraud and abuse by county employees as well as outside vendors conducting business with the county. The office is empowered to make its findings available to law enforcement when necessary. It also conducts financial and operational investigations/audits of county departments and provides recommendations for improvement. The Office of Public Integrity also maintains a confidential hotline at (585) 753-3105 to provide a secure means of reporting suspicious activity concerning county programs and operations.
In his role as Director, McNair will have the authority to subpoena witnesses, administer oaths or affirmations, take testimony and compel the production of documents he deems relevant for any inquiry or investigation.
Janson D. McNair will assume the role of Director of the Office of Public Integrity on January 23, 2020 for a five-year term. His appointment requires confirmation by the Monroe County Legislature.