August 13th, 2020

Requires non-governmental County contractors to comply with Federal and New York State Equal Pay Laws.
Monroe County Executive Adam Bello today joined the Pay Equity Coalition for their Sound the Alarm event to recognize Black Women's Equal Pay Day and to sign an Executive Order to require all non-governmental county contractors to comply with Federal and New York State Equal Pay Laws.
"Women are the backbone of countless families and, often times, the sole provider of households throughout our community. It's inconceivable that in 2020, African-American women are paid 64 cents on the dollar and Latina women are paid 55 cents on the dollar. This pay disparity continues to threaten women and their families throughout our community and jeopardizes their lifelong economic security. By signing this Executive Order, I am further committing to breaking down the inequities that exist and helping to ensure an equal playing field for all residents of Monroe County," said Bello.
Under the provisions of the Executive Order, the Monroe County Law Department will develop a Monroe County Equal Pay Certification to be used by all County offices, departments and administrative units to ensure compliance throughout the contract approval process. Contractors will also need to prove that they have not been the subject of adverse findings under the Equal Pay Laws within the last five years. Any violation of Equal Pay Laws during that period may lead to termination in County contracts and could disqualify future participation in County contracts.
Additionally, the Monroe County Division of Purchasing and Central Services will establish a procedure of compliance monitoring and periodic auditing of certification records. The Executive Order also instructs the Monroe County Department of Human Resources to conduct an internal review to ensure County compliance with Equal Pay Laws and equity in pay for Monroe County employees.
County Executive Bello is also calling upon the Board Members of the County of Monroe Industrial Development Agency (COMIDA) and the Monroe County Industrial Development Corporation (MCIDC) to adopt similar policies applicable to businesses seeking economic development incentives.