June 26th, 2020

"Monroe County is excited to mark the start of summer with the official opening of public swimming at Ontario Beach Park. Like so many across our community, I look forward to visiting the beach with my family this summer," said County Executive Bello.
Monroe County lifeguards are on duty and swimming is permitted from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., seven days a week. Swimming is not allowed when lifeguards are not on duty. The playground, restroom facilities and changing rooms are open to the public.
In accordance with New York State guidelines and regulations, the beachfront and any indoor facilities will be at fifty percent capacity. Beachgoers are asked to maintain at least six feet of physical distance from each other, unless from members of the same household. Face coverings must be worn if unable to maintain six feet physical distance. Additionally, beach chairs, blankets and other items must be 10 feet apart except for members of the same household or family. Visit forward.ny.gov/statewide-guidelines for complete statewide guidelines for public beaches.
"Our County Parks Department staff has done an incredible job preparing the beach for swimmers and beachgoers alike over the last several weeks. I am hopeful that everyone will be mindful of the guidelines and restrictions put in place and will enjoy all that Ontario Beach has to offer," concluded Bello.