June 19th, 2020

Monroe County residents love summer outdoor living – and one must-have item for summer fun is a propane tank. Whether it is to power the grill or camp stove, flame the fire pit or other gas-fueled devices, propane tanks are an integral part of the season.\
Each year, these tanks are disposed of improperly and pose a serious explosive risk to employees at the Monroe County Recycling Center and waste haulers throughout the region. Monroe County Director of Environmental Services Michael J. Garland encourages residents to Recycle Right! and NEVER place ANY propane tanks in their recycling bin, toter OR the trash.
"It is very important that all residents dispose of propane tanks properly,” said Garland. "As a compressed gas, these tanks pose a danger to waste and recycling employees, from the person that picks up your trash to the recycling center. Monroe County is fortunate to have a safe, convenient drop off site for them at the Monroe County ecopark.”
Residents are asked to bring their used, empty propane tanks – small (1#) or large (20#) to the Monroe County ecopark for a free, non-appointment necessary drop off any time the facility is open – Wednesday from 1 p.m. until 6:30 p.m., and Saturday from 7:30 a.m. until 1 p.m., excluding the July 4 holiday.
For more information, including a list of acceptable items or to make an appointment for a Hazardous Waste dropoff, visit www.monroecounty.gov/ecopark.