June 9th, 2020

View #ReadySetRoc Page on ROCAirport.com
Monroe County Executive Adam Bello announced today that the Greater Rochester International Airport (ROC) has launched an initiative to promote safety and health at the airport named #ReadySetROC detailing new procedures and preparations as air travel across the nation is expected to grow slowly as communities emerges from the COVID 19 pandemic.
"ROC Airport is following the guidance of health experts as air travel locally begins to see an uptick," said Bello. "All of the operational initiatives and procedures have been put in place with one common goal to promote safety and the health and wellbeing of everyone who works and uses our local airport."
Passengers and Airport tenants can expect the following ongoing initiatives:
Enhanced Cleaning – More frequent detailed cleaning and sanitizing of high-touch surfaces in public areas throughout the terminal and parking facilities (including counters, handrails, elevator buttons, food court tables, seating and parking shuttles). This includes misting anti-bacterial cleaner/solution on seating and surfaces.
Hand Sanitizing – Free hand sanitizing stations throughout the terminal building in high-touch areas such as ticketing, passenger security checkpoint, passenger boarding gates and restrooms.
Face Coverings – All Monroe County Employees are required to wear face coverings while in public areas of the airport. Per the NYS Executive Order and CDC guidelines, airport employees, tenants and those visiting public spaces are recommended to wear face coverings when unable to maintain six feet of social distancing. Passengers are encouraged to review in advance the policies of the airlines they are flying on to familiarize themselves with airline masking requirements. Policies may vary by airline.
Social Distancing - Social distancing floor decals, markers and signs are being put in place at ticketing counters, passenger queuing areas, including the passenger security checkpoint, food concessions and passenger boarding gates. ROC Airport has technology in place called "ROCview" that allows passengers to view their gates live in real-time from their own hand-held mobile phone or device using the terminal Wi-Fi from anywhere in the terminal – reducing the need to crowd passenger boarding gates.
Plastic Shields – Acrylic "sneeze guards" are being installed throughout the terminal at public counters in the ticketing lobby, passenger security checkpoint, car rentals and food concessions.
Encouraged use of Smart Phone Lot – Those picking up passengers are encouraged to stage in the smart phone lot and pick passengers up curbside once they have retrieved their baggage and awaiting outside the terminal. Columns along the arrivals curb are labeled in numerical order to assist with directional way finding for safe, convenient pick up.
Education – Signage, overhead announcements, social media and other communication strategies are being used to assist employees and passengers during this time.
#ReadySetROC initiatives are attached to this news release as a reference to the traveling public. ROC Airport follows the guidance provided by public health experts at the Monroe County Department of Health and federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
For more information visit rocairport.com/ReadySetROC.