May 20th, 2020

Monroe County Department of Parks Director Patrick Meredith announced today that that pro shops and driving ranges at the county's golf courses will open, with restrictions, beginning today, May 20, 2020.
The county's dog parks will also reopen today, subject to restrictions. Users are asked to wear a face covering at all times when in the dog parks, and to maintain a safe physical distance from other people. Maximum user capacities of the large/small dog sections in each park have been reduced: no more than 100 people will be allowed on the large dog side and 70 on the small dog side at Greece Canal Park; and no more than 100 on the large dog side and 30 on the small dog side in Ellison Park.
For more information, visit
Changes at the golf courses are in line with revisions made on May 16 by Gov. Andrew Cuomo to the state's guidance on golf course uses.
The driving range in Churchville Park will open today, while the range at Genesee Valley Park will likely open on Friday. Range balls in a basket will be provided in the pro shops, and the ranges will be marked for appropriate physical distancing.
Limited pro shop services will be available at the snack bar in Durand Eastman Park.
Only four customers will be allowed in the pro shops at any time, and customers must wear face coverings and maintain appropriate physical distancing. All merchandise will be behind the counter, and provided upon request. Cash payments are prohibited. Customers must swipe their own credit cards.
Indoor bathrooms will be open for use and thoroughly sanitized three times daily. Masks must be worn by everyone using the indoor facilities.
Additionally, with state guidance now allowing the use of carts for one player each, or for two players as long as they live in the same household, cart rentals will be available.
Carts may be paid for at the course with a credit card only, no cash will be accepted.
Tee times must still be booked online at
All players are still encouraged to maintain an appropriate and safe six-foot distance from others while on the courses and to wear face coverings.